Hey everybody!
I am currently taking a programming for mobile games class in college. We have to come up with and develop a video game for mobile (I'm programming for Android because screw iOS). I am pretty good at programming, but awful at thinking of stuff to program. I don't want you guys to do the project for me! I just want some help thinking of what I can develop for the class! I'll be sure to put the game on the google play store for everybody to download for free with zero ads once it's finished!
3D snake -- It's been done before, but all the versions I have tried are pretty crummy. If you do, name it "Battle Basilisks" and win game awards.
A side-scroller turn-based strategy -- never seen this done before, but it could be cool. Imagine a level set kind of like Mario, but gameplay like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics.
This is more of an abstract idea, but a game where you take a picture, and the data from the picture creates the "level" for the game. This would be hard because all android cameras are different, so you can't count on the pictures being the same in terms of aspect ratio, resolution, etc. But you could have the levels generate from the picture, and then users could share their cool levels with each other? As for a concept of the game, it could be some sort of digging/mining game, it could be a puzzle/navigation game where you have to guide a ball through a maze. I don't know, maybe this will give you ideas.
Yeah I'll get right on that...
you play a Samurai with a shotgun defending his yard from ninjas! classic side scroller, elemental bosses (fire, water, earth, wind, ice, electric, light, dark.)
you can level up your shotgun with:
different chokes!
- Cylinder- spreads quickly, ineffective at long ranges, devastating up close
- modified- middle ground, decent at range, decent up tight
- full- longer range, can be devastating up tight, but you only hit one baddie at a time...
- extra full- extreme range, not good up close. increases recoil by 10%.
Different ammo types!
- birdshot- low damage, hits any targets inside a cone, stuns.
- No.4 buckshot- moderate damage, 27 pellets. one-shots low level baddies if 6+ pellets hit.
- 00 buck- heavy damage, 9 pellets, one-shots medium level baddies if 3+ pellets hit.
- Slugs- extreme damage, one massive slug of lead. one shots everything but bosses. slower reload time. 10% more recoil. can go through 2 baddies.
Ammo upgrades!
- elemental modifiers- burn, freeze, bury, drench, electrocute, or knock over your foes,
- explosive ammo- makes enemies into shrapnel and ups damage by 10%,
- magnum shells- 10% larger cone for bird-shot, +6 pellets for No. 4 buck, +3 for 00 buck, +1 enemy penetration for slugs. -1 shell capacity, 5% more recoil.
- plated shot- 25% chance a pellet will penetrate the first baddie it hits, 40% when used with magnum shells
Gun Upgrades!
- Ported barrel- reduces muzzle rise by 5% and recoil by 5%.
- recoil pad- reduces recoil by 10%
- action job- superior craftsmanship decreases cycle time by 10%
- extended magazine- levels 1, 2, and 3. each raise the gun capacity by 1 shell from a base of 5.
- sights- iron sights, holographic sights, laser sights. increase hit chance.
- short barrel- decreases minimum range, 5% faster reloads.
more guns!
- Pump action- standard, reliable starter gun, 1.5 second stock cycle time
- semi-auto action- decreases cycle time by 60%
- 10 gauge pump. 20% larger bird-shot cone, +12 No. 4 buck pellets, +6 00 buck pellets, +2 enemy penetration for slugs, 15% higher recoil.
SIAGA 12- full auto shotgun, 10 round capacity, 50% faster reloads. 20% heavier recoil. cannot use magnum, exploding, or elemental ammo. cannot use extended magazines, action job, or short barrel.
higher recoil pushes your character back, slows reloads, and- if too high -can temporarily stun your samurai.
if a ninja gets past the muzzle, you have to fight them back with a sword. some enemies can only be killed with a sword.