Anyone know of a good Android emulator for PC?
the remix OS one is aight
there's also the official android SDK ones.
Is it relatively user friendly?
the remix OS one? yes.
The android SDK one takes a bit of doing to get up and running, hence the commercial solutions.
Do you have to boot from RemixOS?
My suggestion is to create a VM and install Remix OS into it. You'll get far better performance than using an emulator. I've had bad luck with almost every Android emulator.
Get android X86 and a laptop. Bam.
For some apps it might be worth giving the Chrome browser with the ARC welder extension a try.
There is a more or less official x86 fork of Android, which runs in virtualbox. As far as I've tried, everything works.
Visual Studio Emulator for Android. It has its issues, just the same as all of the others, but it works. Easy to install, just make sure you have Hyper-V installed.
Before trying emulator, test arc welder if you want just a few applications. You can use raccoon to download application apk to use them with arc welder.
so I'm having a really hard time getting android x86 to work (both in boxes and oracle virtual box)
while writing this I'm downloading RemixOS in hope, that I can run that.
I only need one app for studying for some exams that will come up and the combination of win10/AndroidEmulator/ExamQuestionApp/ExamFiles it is nearly impossible to get that stuff going.
last time it worked with winserv2016 and android emulator for win10 (don't ask me why it runs on win server 2016 and not win10) but I cant install win server 2016 dual boot with win10 because windows is insanity.
(couldn't install because partition wasn't in gpt ((PowerShell/diskpart gave out that everything is gpt)) and after that i couldnt install because the installation medium wasnt in FAT16 ((which doesnt make any sense because the .iso is 5GBs.... wtf)) )
android x86 "works" on both VMs (Oracle & Boxes) but hangs in a boot loop without giving errors or failures. just sometime a little bit of flashing text.
edit: I spent 6 hours on this and I have no idea... I'm gonna try win10Pro for shits & giggles in hope that this will work in Microsoft's mysterious ways...