ok when i first heard about dio i was like wtf and sugested that someone was taking a hit on these metal stars jokingly tho but now i seriously think that there fucking is! when i heard about paul gray of slipknot this morning i seriously thaught it was a joke considering how soon it was after pete and dio left us but then seeing it plastered all over the world wide web i am now fully convinced something is going on. now some of yous mighten care fro gray or slipknot but i was indeed a fan mainly because they were one of the first bands that got me into more modern metal so that i am eternally grateful so i will say here thank you paul gray for your contribution to metal i salute you sir.
(seriously i can't fucking believe i'm saying this a third fucking time in a space of just over a month) RIP (Paul Gray)
they are doing an autopsy today to find out but they think it was an overdose on drugs.
I was really sad when I heard the news... Slipknot was my first real band that I bought all their albums and went to their show and they were the first metal band for me.
It's sad... Even though next to clown he was my second least favorite in the band.
I think I am more sad that slipknot might stop producing music all together more than his death.
yea you got a point there chap don't think slipknot will continue after this D= cause the exact same thing happened to american head charge when there bassiest died
people who were fans, influenced or even only just respected him and the band. so some people do actually care. but wat people don't give a fuck about is wat you don't give a fuck about. and secondly why bother posting if you don't give a fuck? O.o
its pretty annoying to see threads that give props to shitty bands, and imo slipknot fans have no right to be calling themselves metalheads. i didnt know him personally and i never had respect for ANY of their music, im not going to pretend like i give a fuck now just because he died.
its pretty annoying to see threads that give props to shitty bands, and imo slipknot fans have no right to be calling themselves metalheads. i didnt know him personally and i never had respect for ANY of their music, im not going to pretend like i give a fuck now just because he died.
well you don't have to pretend to give a fuck mate and if that was so you wouldn't of even bothered to post here and to say the band sucks and that the fans arn't real metalhead just makes you a huge self improtant douche sorry but thats how i feel with people who criticizes other people's music taste.
ps i hate iron maiden and avengedsevenfold and some other metal fans but i would say the fans arn't metalheads even tho i think the music isn't very metal myself but my opinion dosn't make it fact.
LOL. But I agree with IrishMetalhead, I also dont like those bands and I dont really consider myself as a "metalhead" but I like a few metal bands. Slipknot is metal in my opinion and I like it.