Edits and additional text is in italics.
This is a bit of a train of thought and out of the way in the blogs to keep tidy a little.
I was sick and tired of the exclusives, features and just constant bickering between console devotes.
I thought PC was better than this.
I moved away from console as it chiefly did not allow me to do what I wanted with the hardware. Simple thing like playing music in the background, but also the games were just lackluster. Nobody pushed a system and features were cut to keep the performance suitable to consoles.
So I said to hell with it and built a PC, arguably the best gaming move I ever made.
But now this, I am right back in this mess and now there really is no recourse. Great, deadended and it is all our fault.
Yes this is going to be about nVidia and and games developers.
If I had a problem on console that was it the end of then line. So I have an issue on PC and I fix it. There is some hack, optimisation, driver or other operating system to fix my problem. I had the power to fix anything with the help of people and now once again that is gone. The worst part is, where do I go now, there is no PC2 or some other platform free from the vile corruption of idiots and morons obsessed with profit at any cost, even their own.
Tekfoil hat warning. I find it odd that the 900 series comes out and the 700 series instantly dissapears after selling off all the old cards in a fire sale. Well that part is sensible but the oddness is starting to creep in.
There was the 3.5gb issue to which there was no apology, no recourse for those effected and worst of all the CEO of nVidia had the gall to out right sneer at the people who put him where he is, like he was doing them a favour!
But hey I had my fun with that, and Meh it slides past now relegated to a mere annoyance rather than the outright stealing that it actually was. But hey I lost no money.
There have been games with Gameswork shoehorned in for years now. They were mostly harmless as Gameworks was a simple affair and could be shunted off to the CPU. Fine, annoying but fine.
Slowly the power creep set in.
More and more developer sold out their fans to implement lazy code, half ass their development and cheat the paying customer out of money. That was, is and will continue to be outright wrong. At this point I started to avoid where possible nVidia Gamesworks titles.
All the while AMD, not exactly saints, were slowly working on open sourcing game enhancents. Mantle was big, but then they just killed it, great back to nVidia and their continuing efforts to stop people playing games.
It should be noted that I place a certain amount of blame for this on AMD and Intel. By sitting idley by and watching this unfold with no comeback. Certainly did not help.
But now we are here. This is the oddity. The 700 series sells out quick. It was powerful it was fast and it was gone. Now you only have the 900 series complete with all the luxuries of deliberately gimmped cards, be it memory, bus width or just outright lying about the specs to everyone.
So now you are in a situation where either you were lucky enough to get a good 700 series card or had enough money to get one of the working 900 series cards. Everyone else well nuts to them, at least that is the official line from nVidia.
But now. Now we have games coming out that deliberately take aim at those who got good 700 series cards and makes then pay for their insolence. NVidia started attacking it own product lines. Adding features that people all ready paid money for and then denying them access to the very thing they paid for. Further than that they are currently deliberately degrading the performance of the previous generation. This is console behaviour. You have to imagine that working with nVidia is bad when even Microsoft cut all ties with them after the wreck of the original xBox
How in any reasonable manner was the GTX 960 out performing the GTX780. A card that is usually 34% faster than the 960 was and is being outdone. The only previous generation card to beat even the entry level gaming cards from the 900 series was the once $1000 GTX TITAN.
Call me crazy but this seems like it was done on purpose.
I could pass this off as a developer was just lazy and sold out if it was one game. But two within days of each other by different studios, one Indy and the other verging on AAA from different parts of the planet and different games styles and engines. No this is on purpose.
Why would you do this? Well to make money. Gamers with cash won't buy a 960 as it is entry gaming class and will plum for a 970 but they are gimpped so the ones with more money will get the top bananas the 980 and the TITAN X. This is as close as you can get to forcing someone to buy a better version of your product even if they didn't need it. NVidia are and unless stopped will continue to pressure their customers, the people who pay them, into potentially spending more money then they need to. Is this not illegal somewhere
What sort of messed up time do we live in where you need two, TWO $1000 graphics cards to run 1440p (not an uncommon resolution these days, even I have one) at 60 frames a second! WHAT THE FUCK!
What really worries me is nVidia has many publishers on their pay role. Two games have come out and I am guessing that more are on their way. It would be stupid to not assume this.
So once they attacked AMD because they were scared and greedy. That was fine we knew what we were buying on the AMD side and did so because the alternative was nVidia. Now it has just become pure greed. Now I cannot see how even nVidia loyals would continue to support a company who is out solely to make money even if it means harming their own customers.
How long before they start deliberately degrading the 900 series?
I moved to PC to get away from scum and filth like nVidia. And here we are.
Rant over. Do with this what you will. I will never even so much as advise an nVidia card even if there no alternative. If a time comes when the only option is nVidia, well geuss it is time to stop gaming.
Final edit: The telling thing is I am an AMD user and I am outraged over nVidia practices to its own customers. I could shrug it off as competition when it was aimed at AMD.