The problem is, its nothing compared to what TBC was, there is no community now, if you played in TBC and early WotLK, you know that you needed to go to an instance, summon the party and get on with it, LFG took that away, now dont get me wrong, when you just wanna gear up, LFG is great, but it also allows idiots in, you must be on a decent realm list, on SSL-EU people absolutely suck, PvP is no major challenge, unless a horde ganks you 5 levels above you, and Horde are known for this, which is no fun when you just wish to level, fair enough PvP server and all, but its un-sporty like, if there is such a word.
My issue with the game its self is this, Its trying to be like old wow which I like, but it doesnt have the same atmosphere that the old games gave, nothing is a challenge now, I used to struggle with elites on my hunter, now he can solo them without a pet easily, the skill of the classes is too gone, now this maybe because I have played since 09 and I got extremely good with hunters, but I remember in ICC, having to manually pull so I could trap targets and misdirect the tank, this is no longer a tactic now, tanks are so dam hard against trash, skills like this are no longer required, which gave me fun with utility, sure I sucked on dps, but I could do stuff no class could.
The only class I really enjoyed this time was a priest, disc was fun, but shadow was were it was at, but this class alone could not keep me around.
as Preach said on youtube, for some people it is fun, which is fine, but to me it is not, its lost that spark that made wow such a blast to play, and I was showing how I felt for it, it would seem you have hit a fun part with either community or good pugs, but this 2m sub thing wont last, at the end of the day its the same old, get better gear to get to the top of the dps tables, numbers to get better numbers, theres no real fun, if you dont have correct item level or hit specific requirements, groups dont want to know you anymore, ilvl destroyed raiding for me