An mmo recommendation?

i'm bored, and i'm looking for a free game to clear my boredom...


but i can't 1 person games (i get dizzy with them), and i suck at games like dota, strife

the previous mmo that i've played before, is dragon nest (like the first year it was released, it was OKAY)


yup, that it, runescape and dragon nest, and i haven't' touch mmos in a LOOOONG time, and trying to get back into it...

You could try out Neverwinter or Rift. They appear to be fairly popular choices on Steam's F2P list.

WoW. That is it.


SWTOR is pretty good now that its been in development for seven-eight years

you can also try either one of the everquest games that are F2P right now, or even step into Tera.

If you like games that are a little different, have an excellent and helpful community and make you use your brain - try The Secret World.

Well its not free, but Guild Wars 2 is pretty fun. Costs I think 50$ up front and thats it. Very different then WOW and all the WOW clones out there.

Avoid wow its a piece of shit now, when you get 100 there's nothing worth doing, PvP is shit these days, lfg are crap cause half don't know tactics, and a lot of tanks and healers suck now, the garrison turns into farmville, most classes have been pruned of skills so rotations are 3 button things, hunter is a major class with this, talent trees are boring, they where supposed to promote your way of playing, but they don't, and human is still OP as hell in PvP thanks to racial trinket.

For mmo now, I would say runescape is decent with members ofc, wildstar looks interesting but nothing amazing and f2p games are to be avoided at all costs, monthly members is only real way forward.

The mmo genre is rather stale at the moment, I love the genre but wow is crap and its the top mmo...

Screw mmo get dragon age and live happy, least there's no monthly or p2w tactics there.

You should try out Haven And Hearth.

I think Lord of the Rings Online is F2P now.  I beta tested it back in the day, and it was ok.  I'm not an MMO person though, so I didn't get into it.  Might be worth a look.

Rift is just a very solid conventional mmo.

SWOTOR if you like Star Wars.

The Secret World which has an original leveling system and some pretty cool storytelling. The theme is also very different from most mmos.

I have to dissagree on the WoW thing. Although there seems to be less to do for most, being a person who didnt play for the last two expansions, I enjoy going back to the raids and instances from those expansions and killing stuff and exploring the world. The tanks and healers actually are not that bad once you start taking into consideration the amount of them out there. I personally play 2 different healers (Druid and Priest) and never have had a issue with healing anything. The raids are a ton of fun with very interesting, yet not hard to learn bosses, and the new zones to travel to have a ton of interesting sights. I have never been one for PvP, so I could care less about it. I think you kinda just slammed it unjustly. If you personally did not like the expansion, then that is understandable, but seeing as how it caused over 2 million people to resub, and they have no lost those resubs yet, I would say it is not half bad.

Try Regnum Online. Good Multi-platform (win/Mac/linux) game

every time i try to play regnum i always get horrid graphical artifacting.... dont know why. I would love to try it though

The problem is, its nothing compared to what TBC was, there is no community now, if you played in TBC and early WotLK, you know that you needed to go to an instance, summon the party and get on with it, LFG took that away, now dont get me wrong, when you just wanna gear up, LFG is great, but it also allows idiots in, you must be on a decent realm list, on SSL-EU people absolutely suck, PvP is no major challenge, unless a horde ganks you 5 levels above you, and Horde are known for this, which is no fun when you just wish to level, fair enough PvP server and all, but its un-sporty like, if there is such a word.

My issue with the game its self is this, Its trying to be like old wow which I like, but it doesnt have the same atmosphere that the old games gave, nothing is a challenge now, I used to struggle with elites on my hunter, now he can solo them without a pet easily, the skill of the classes is too gone, now this maybe because I have played since 09 and I got extremely good with hunters, but I remember in ICC, having to manually pull so I could trap targets and misdirect the tank, this is no longer a tactic now, tanks are so dam hard against trash, skills like this are no longer required, which gave me fun with utility, sure I sucked on dps, but I could do stuff no class could.

The only class I really enjoyed this time was a priest, disc was fun, but shadow was were it was at, but this class alone could not keep me around.

as Preach said on youtube, for some people it is fun, which is fine, but to me it is not, its lost that spark that made wow such a blast to play, and I was showing how I felt for it, it would seem you have hit a fun part with either community or good pugs, but this 2m sub thing wont last, at the end of the day its the same old, get better gear to get to the top of the dps tables, numbers to get better numbers, theres no real fun, if you dont have correct item level or hit specific requirements, groups dont want to know you anymore, ilvl destroyed raiding for me