So, I am trying to figure out what to do about Bad gaming performance in the current Modern Warfare (Specifically Warzone). So my Current Idea it to take My three auxiliary monitors and move them to my old 1060 6GB and run just my HP Omen 1440p off the 5700 XT. [Specs below]
I am really just trying new things to see if I can find a solution with spending as little as possible right now. [Due to everything going on] But Warzone has been my mental Out for the last few months. and I have been getting 28-48 FPS, average around 40FPS. and I keep getting pissed that I will have frame drops down to 10FPS for longer than 10 Seconds during combat/beginning of the game.
Any help is appreciated.
5700 XT
32GB Ram
Mix of SSDs and HDDs
Asus TUF Z270 Mark 1
Four monitors:
Main: omen 27" 144hz, 1440p
AUX: Asus 27" 1440p
AUX: Asus 22" 1080p
AUX: Dell 25" 4K
I have found I get a lot of stuttering in PUBG with my 5700xt. When a stutter happens I notice that the frequency graph on Radeon adrenalin jumps up. Basically the the ramp up to a higher demanded frequency is my stutter. I have to set a custom profile for PUBG and make my minimum frequency much higher to cure this. Now I know on your it’s low fps but try that and see if it helps. Also watch your cpu and GPU usage while playing. Is your cpu usage maxed out or your gpu?
My CPU and GPU Trade off at being at Full usage, I am guilty of running a lot of extra stuff in the back ground, and normally watch a you tube video or some kind of video. and 10+ tabs in chrome or Vivaldi. this is usually on the second monitor and sometimes can take up to 20% of my GPU so that is one reason i was thinking of moving monitors over.
I will look into changing the base frequency, I did not know that was an option. sounds promising.
Well I think that i7 might be struggling to keep up with Win10 normal background processess, your YouTube watching and tabs, and pushing frames to the gpu.
^This. 4 Cores at this point is really only good for performing one heavy task(or a lot of light tasks) at a time in windows 10. So your choice is either gaming or your other stuff like using your browser. I noticed this issue until I upgraded from a I7-7700 to a ryzen 5 3600.
I got at 5960X and Mobo a while back for a good price and was thinking of switching, but the 7700k was still ahead in gaming, wondering if I should move to it because of all the other items.
So from what I can tell, With just the game and Discord running, CPU is between 60% and 85% Utilization, Peaking to Full on loading screens or match start.
The GPU is mostly at 85%+ So i am GPU limited, as long as I don’t do a lot extra while Gaming.
I was surprised to see memory at 15-17.5GB Utilization with so little open.
And the Data below, It looks like I need to Address the 1% lows, which is the irritation I am currently having. So Next I will try the suggestion Sanfordvdev had. and make a profile for Warzone.
But I have had issues with the GPU sense day one, Either Drivers or Crashing Games. and and any triple A game, [Mostly COD, and R6] I get these Hiccups/Stutters.
First Game:
FPS 1%: 5
FPS .01%: 3
After Reboot
FPS AVG: 102
FPS 1%: 4
FPS .01%: 1
Another After Reboot
FPS AVG: 108
FPS 1%: 8
FPS .01%: 2
I could Look at Getting a better Cooler and Pushing the 7700k to 4.8/5Ghz to make up a bit of room for other stuff running in the background.
But I also had one of my co-worker tell me I should Just Sell the CPU on eBay or the like and get around $250-$280 and grab a R5 4600 when they come out or a i5-10600K as All I would need is a Motherboard and CPU. Can I get your Guys thoughts on either of these options?
Pushing the overclock would help a bit with the game running by itself but the low core/thread count is probably killing you with all the other stuff you want running along side the game. you would see a definite improvement with buying either of those CPU. The R5 4600 will probably outrun the i5-10600k for the most part. Aside from possibly not being able to push the amount Gigahertz but that will have to wait and be seen with benchmarks form Levelone and Gamers Nexus and such. You could get a 3700x and an X570 motherboard now and then upgrade later to a Ryzen 4th gen later if you need to scratch the itch right now.
On the GPU I have been somewhat frustrated with it also but if you set a custom profile i think you will be happier with it. If you don’t mind some noise allow the max fan speed to around 75% and push the top clock allowance high as it can go and then set your minimum to around 150%. I am doing all of mine from AMD Adrenalin software. I am not sure how afterburner handles it. Someone else chime in but from my experience/opinion AMD trying to reduce overall clocks when they feel you don’t need it causes the stutters.
You also need to look into your memory consumption. You have 32gb so not a big deal but does COD eat up all of that or do you have more background tasks eating up memory? I know you said you closed everything but man that is a lot of memory consumed by COD if so.
What is your ram speed/timings? Reason I ask is if you are moving to Ryzen you are going to want 3200-3600mhz ram with some decent timings from what I have seen. Intel systems are more forgiving so to speak with that. This may help decision for i5-10600k over Ryzen.
Honestly you would be better off getting like a ryzen 3600 or and i7-8700. The latest i5 1060k is pretty good from everything I’ve read as well.
If you don’t have the parts laying around or the budget for those then I would just avoid the 7700. I would get a 3300X(If you can find one) and it would come out cheaper and perform as good if not better for less with a longer support period.
Can you post an Image of what you changed you settings to? This is what I am looking at, Do i just need to pull the Low number up on the frequency graph?
Turn off advanced control and it will turn into slider bars like fan%. Slide top one to 150% and the other bottom one to 2%. Make sure to hit apply and then save the profile just in case.
Maybe it might be worth considering doing a cpu, mobo and memory upgrade.
For the best gaming performance i would say,
go with a i5-10600K + Z490 board, and like 2x8GB of memory.
It might not be a significant improvement for every game you play.
But for a lot of the latest AAA titles, having more cores can definitely be a benefit.
If the intel route is too expensive for you right now.
Then you can also consider a 3600X or 3600XT + a decent B550 board.
Ended up having to bring the Min down to 65% to even launch the game. Stable but still getting those bad 1% lows, Starting to wonder if I have a cursed Video card.
As far as I understand I should have no issue with this GPU running Mod Warfare, But I am.
MisteryAngle, I have a 2x16GB Kit of DDR4 already in this system. So I would not need them. But yes that is why i was thinking about going that route, because I would only need two parts, But right now it seems like I have more issues with my 5700XT