An ASUS GTX 480 for 10 Dollars?


Think this is a scam? : 1o dollars brand new and unopened, from China.

 Looks like the guy has a lot of them. 

This card is selling for 198.00 dollars. It's the exact same model, and also from China








Shipping $65.90 

It's probably a scam, or the card might not even work and it's an expensive shipping. I remember chinese guys on my country selling 1tb hdd for about 15 dollars, that where just empy, with rocks inside, just the enclosure, not a hard drive at all.

If it's too good to be true then it's too good to be true.

I've never bought anything from e-bay before (all the good auctionsare in the US, but I live in Thailand now, and shipping kills the savings), but I've read that buying things from a seller with a < 99% feedback could turn out bad.