Amd vs Intel

Direct x 12 is going to make your choice of cpu for gaming (quad core and up) largely redundant.

I predict that although an 8350 may never beat the 4790k on any gaming tests the difference between them will become negligable

if i am not proven correct by this then feel free to necro this thread in the future and laugh at me :)

its sad that what finally made ms take this massive inneficiency issue seriously was the race to tablet / phone and maving to 'optimize' parts of their inneficient os for the lower ipc nature of those devices.

I feel fucking cheated, all this time we have all had so much untapped power on our pc's (even modest ones).

rant over... :(

Do you remember all the hype around DX 10 and how it was supposed to be so much more efficient than DX 9 before it came out? Let's wait until the technology is out before we start to count on it producing some results.

I am not being blinded by hype, my eyes are open. :)

I dont think you get the fact that dx12 is now an imperative for Microsoft to become a player in the tablet / mobile space, without it they cannot leverage the Wintel alliance (like they always do to gain dominance).

That is what I find truly sad about dx12 in general, they arent really doing it for us desktop people, its for the much larger potential tablet / mobile market out there.

Sadly, we are yesterdays market.. just a stepping stone :(

so....... take my advice with a grain of salt, I always decide which CPU to go for by looking at how it performs in bf4, as that's what i spent my 300 hrs on so when it comes to bf4 my FX 8320 destroys core i5, and most of the other games i play it keeps up with core i5 just fine and i see there is a much brighter future for multithreaded  games, but if u really want to save some money on PSU and want to go for a uATX build intel could be a good choice, well if at the end considering everything u still cant decide i'd say listen to the inner fan boy of yours... :D

My inner fanboy screams to just close my eyes and grab amd fx 8350. But my head is still debating. I know that multithreading is the future, but for how many years would it actually take to use the full potential of fx 8350? And then, would it be after a long time and by then the fx 8350 would be long gone, and would be below the actual average 8 core? I'm confused. Its like betting in roulette. I do know the games will use 8 cores in the future. The question is, how much into the future?  Well of course if it's too long, my cpu will be buried and forgotten, and by that time, it'll prolly turn into a rotting half dead, slow as shit zombie cpu less than an average cpu.

So just tell me, how many cores does assassin's creed unity use?

If i were to build a new rig right now, with a tight budget. I would more then likely go with a fx6300. An i5 would give you more frames but its only four cores.

Your FX8320 destroys a haswell i5 in BF4?

Haha you are kidding right?

Grab the i5 because its simply better.

Even multi threaded its better in allot of games. Because games dont use more then 4 main threads, AC unity can scale over all cores, But this only results in lower load on each individual core, but still it doesnt give me any better performance out of the FX 8 core cpu over the i5 quadcore, because the individual cores of the i5´s are faster.

But as far as AC unity goes, this game is a very graphical intensive game.

FX 8 core does not realy perform like a true 8 core because it has 4 modules with 2 cores sharing cache and fpu. In fact the performance per core of a FX 8 core cpu is even worse then a core 2 duo.

I would suggest to do some research...

For some proof. ☺

I tried this game myself on my FX8350 + 7870GHz, and i can tell you, with a midrange gpu like a 7870GHz its not realy playable. so this game needs some serious GPU horse power.

As you can see, the AMD FX8 cores dont perform that bad, because AC unity can scale over all availeble threads, this helps a littlebit. But they still fall behind on the haswell i5´s.

You cannot compair a AMD FX cpu to an intel Haswell cpu, just on core count and clockspeeds, because both architectures are completely diffrent.

As you can see, like i said above, AC unity, has the capabillity to use all availeble threads.

But 4 strong cores is wat enough to run this game.

Never buy CPU for "future", but always for now. The reason behind this, very few people tend to upgrade CPU, and not upgrade motherboard and other related components. Especially if mid to high end CPU's are in usage.

Now, since 8350 is over 3 years (or 2, depends how you look at it) old architecture, and 4670k is newer, it makes sense to go for 4670k. Power consumption is important, but not in the way how much you will pay for el. bill, but, in a way that if main component (in this case CPU) consumes less power, it is cheaper for supporting components (motherboard) to produce, and therefore, have same quality at lower price.

I love (and use) AMD, but, go with Intel now.

yeah i definitely agree ☺

So I should just go for intel?. Ok fine. But....... I'd rather not build a pc at all for now. Il just get a 3 tb hard disk, dvd drive, a good high end cabinet, psu, ddr3 16 gb of ram, a good water cooler. Il decide next year on what cpu and motherboard to go with. Cause really, I just have an unshakeable, true faith in amd that just cannot be broken. Il just give them till next year. Il prolly hook all of this with my nettle 2 and athlon 64 x2 4000 for the time being. Anyway, thanks for the help people. Either way if next year amd fails me,il still just buy maybe an I7. Still il just play it safe.

Originally, i wanted to buy a 400 $ mobo and cpu, but il use it for more high end parts.

not really it keeps up with a core i5!  bf4 is more multithreaded bound and that where FX shines oh and yes it destroys a core i5 i payed 240 CAD for fx8320 + asrock 970+hyper 212 so i would say my fx 8320 obliterates core i5! 

lol yeah single player it can keep up with the i5.

But not in multiplayer.

ACU is terribly optimised and relies heavily on single core performance. It doesn't exactly serve as a good platform as to which CPU to get. Unless OP is planning on playing ACU exclusively which I seriously hope he won't since the game is shit. 
Regardless, it comes down to which games you want to play. Check CPU benchmarks of the games and go from there. If there isn't much of a difference overall go with the 8350 since it's cheaper. Then spend the left over money on a beefier GPU since it'll make a lot more difference. Especially with DX12 around the corner.

Second reply of this thread basically sums it up. I don't know where you live since the prices vary. But if the 8350 is cheaper and as long as you're not planing on playing poorly optimised games like ACU all day long I'd say go for the 8350. Then spend the left over money on a better GPU.
Basically, if you're on a tighter budget go AMD. If not, go Intel.
Both are still great CPU's though. You'll be happy with whichever one you choose.