AMD vs AMD?!?!

so im upgrading from my 965 BE no real reason just want something with more power... I want to know hwich to get or at least some opinions..

AMD FX 6300 (i like the 95 Watt TDP and the beautiful pricing of 140 USD)

FX 8300 (where is this cpu they said they would realease it but icant find it anywhere but in a prebuilt...)

FX 8320 (8 cores would be amazing and its well priced)

or the almighty 8350 haha for reasons you all know its a monster


yes i have an am3+ mobo that will support this and a good psu no need to worry thanks!

Get the best one your budget can handle, as long as your not sacrificing any other upgrades.

What will it be used for?


oh also not an extreme overclocker since these CPUs wil lturbo themselves to 4.2 and 4.1 im not worried about it ill probably loer the voltage a bit to reduce some temps but other than that i wont be playing with the cpu much oh


Also how much of a performance boost will i see over my phenom?

I'm pretty sure the fx-8300 is an OEM part, so you probably won't find that for retail.

my budget is 230 i just want some opinons on the three cpus and whats the major difference between the 8350 and 8320 i will be gaming mostly and curious how much better it is than my phenom


The 8350 is clocked slightly higher. At this point, you won't see a massive performance increase form any of these, but that is likely to change soon do to the new consoles having 8 core CPUs. I would buy a 8320 and a really nice cooler like a xigmatek dark night hawk assuming your mobo is suitable for overclocking.

asrock 970 extreme 3 so its oki mean with a turbo clock of 4.1 or so the 8320 is just a good a choice as the 8350 imo, and slightly less cash i ahve a hyper 212+ cooler

I would grab the FX-8350 only because I'm assuming it's binned higher than the 8320, which means it will overclock better. If you're not overclocking, then you just have to decide whether the difference in stock clock speed is worth the extra money, because that's the only real difference.

i waws thinkning though maybe i should go six core i dont do the crazy streaming stuff so all 8 threads will be kind of useless in gaming even if new games are made for 8 cores i could get away with six plus the 6300 is lower wattage and ame single core speed as the 8320 by default..

i eun my 7870 which is clearly bottlenecked by my cpu in some games, and ive heard if i pair two midrange items it would be better than running a highend cpu like an 8350 with my 7870 than a 6300

I would just grab the best you can get for the money just to be a little more future proof.

ya thats what i felt as well i mean i can OC as long as the heat stays down which is why i prefer a 6300 but with the 8350 i dont have to change a damn thing

i can grab an 8350 on tigerdirect now for 180... i may just have to go for it i wont have to upgrade for about 6 years with that thing lol, i wonder though how long do you think this 965 i have will continue to soldier on? i have it a 3.7ghz and was wondering maybe i jsut keep it and wait for a good price drop on an 8350

I suspect the 965 will perform well in gaming for about anouther year, before 8 core optimised games really take off. You should be able to get it higher with the hardware you have, my motherboard is not that great, and I got mine to 4.0. Also, have you tried overclocking the CPUnb? While pointless for most CPUs, overclocking the NB can help phenoms.


hmm what is the NB ive seen it but dont fuck with it... my stuff is 1.375 v 3.7 ghz standard everything else i understand all chips are different but where is a safe spot to start... i really do like my 965 and having 200 in the bank would be more helpful since im in college i wanna get the most out of my build.. dont care for super high quality (ultra) games just wanna be able to play every game i want on highish settings

i may just pick up the 6300 actually i like the perfect midrange style right between the 4 core and the 8 core with a really nice single core clock and i believe it would OC a hell of alot better than my 965 if i wanted to making it more future proof than an 8350... for my needs lol i understand the 82350 is superior i may just buy the 6300 thanks for all the help guys, and army we can continue our 965 discussion if you would like along with any one else who has some opinions!

I have my voltage set at just over 1.43, what i would reccomend for you to do is to inch up your core multiplier untill you encounter an error when running prime 95, then increase your voltage slightly. do the same for the NB, but be even more cautious. for a CPU @ 4.0 ghz, your nb should ideally be around 2600mhz, but i was only able to get it up to 2400 mhz for some reason.

ok thanks ill try if i dont buy a 6300 this week if i get a 6300 then my brother will more than likely inherit my phenom over his athlon 2350 haha plus i can get an even better cooler!

Don't even bother trying to OC a 125w cpu on a 4+1 board.

tl;dr all the posts so idk if that was mentioned.

Get the 8350, It does a decent bit better than the 8320, and for the fact that it's about 50-60% faster than the 6200 for only 60 dollars more, you cant beat that price to performance. tl;dr: you will regret not getting the 8350. Over tigerdirect the 8350 is 180 dollars right now. The 6300 is 130 dollars. BUY THE 8350 MATEY