I think very low chance of that, but you can check for residue from condensation on the Mobo? It should be white. I think that the moisture would have dried out pretty quickly though, so unless you really held down the valve and then turned the computer imediately on I doubt it... IDK if any lack of residue would disprove that it wasnt the canned air.
It just seems extremely unlikely (not impossible though maybe). If there is any white residue you can try cleaning it off with isopropyl alcohol and cottonswabs or a softish toothbrush..
@Jacobite Motherboard has been sent to a volcano for sacrifice.
Will check, but do not think I see anything.
Finding the information has been kind of tricky actually. The original source which I'll try to find if I get some time was actually an email conversation between an Msi employee and a customer with the board. After some arguing from both sides the Msi employee stated the reason the customers board could not be returned for another board was because the Fx 8350, any Fx 8350, was supposedly found in Msi's testing to over-volt the cpu beyond the 125 watt tdp. The fx 8350 was then officially removed from the g43's compatible processor list although the fx 8320 which is the same chip as the 8350 just clocked lower at t he same power draw, stayed on the compatible parts list. In short, it was an Msi shit show.
6300 no OC, will see if it blows. Can place a fan on the heat-sinks and will just watch it before handing it off.
Other boards are out of the price range do to this.
I guess. The computer turns on just no display other then the strange splash with the asrock logo / xboot turn ed off, then it goes to a black screen with the letter e. Bios break?
ATM its sitting in it box with the cmos out. Hopefully get an rma, until then will just hope the other board does well.