So I have heard horror stories about people who have tried to remove the stock AMD cooler and the CPU has actually stuck to the cooler and ripped out of the socket whilst being stuck to the bottom of the cooler. I am going to be replacing my stock cooler with an H80i and was wondering if there is some way of avoiding this mishap as I dont fancy having to replace my CPU and or motherboard.
I've removed many AMD coolers and never had a problem. unlatch/disconnect the cpu cooler from the brackets/mobo, then gently, slowly and easily twist back and forth. Don't pull up, just twist back and forth. the twisting motion should get easier and eventually it will just twist off. If you're having trouble, run your computer for a bit and depending on your thermal paste that might thin it out and make things easier. Good luck!
So slowly does it then, I will be ordering my H80i either tonight or tomorrow so il give that a try and report back. Thanks for your help
not a problem. Now that I've thought about it, I have more trouble with intel coolers and those damn push pins haha. Let me know how your temps look with the h80i though, should make that 4350 very chilly.
Thats the hope! To be honest I more want to get rid of the horrible noise that the stock cooler makes haha. With Titanfall running it sounds like a hairdryer
Start the computer up and run a cpu benchmark for 10 minutes that will heat up the paste on the cpu then be gentle and take it off with a little twist.
Yeah pretty sure I have some sort of benchmark somewhere, I never really have any use for them so its just some random shitty one, takes the load up to 100% though which is all I really need I suppose
Success, CPU is idling at 8 degrees Celsius. Under 100% load for 40 mins it did not go over 67.1 degrees Celsius with the fan RPM at 600
CPU is idling at 8 degrees Celsius
Considering that room-temperature is about 20°C, I like to know you managed that.
Are you running you computer inside a fridge ?
we all know amd sensors are bad. esp. at idle

67 is pretty warm especially for a water cooler. Maybe you have a bad seal. My OC'd 6350 doesn't get above 45 easy
600 rpm is offcourse way to low, thats the reason why your cpu is overheating, just set the profile to balanced, and don´t forget some ear plugs
Yeah my bad, its idling at around 22 according to the corsair link software. Stuck it on balanced instead of custom curve and I am away to stress test it again
So after 10 mins it hasn't exceeded 43 degrees
Thats a nice number ☺
Which cpu? still the FX4350?
Yeah still the 4350, I wasnt a fan of 2000 RPM so I stuck it on 1500 and after an hour it never exceeded 44.9 and I can barely hear it.
looks good to me ☺
yeah 2000 rpm will be abit loud indeed, thats a bit of a con with those SP120L fans, you could also replace if you get sick of the noice. SP120 quiet editions for example, or Noctua NF-F12's. But 45 degrees on stress, on 1500rpm looks nice to me. ☺
Yeah i think next on my shopping list will be new fans. If im honest im actually quite pleased with myself that I even got it working. I still consider myself a bit of a novice
good to see my dark knight outperforms a water cooler :D
This happened to me today
I was installing my new NH-D14, i undid the CPU coolers seat belt thing, Then i tried to pull the heatsink up and it wouldn't budge, so im thinking to my self "oh fuck what can go wrong the Paste has probably just turned into glue and when i pull it up the heatsink the locking mechanism in the CPU socket will hold onto the chip while i pull the heatsink off", so i pulled upwards really hard, and then it went BANG!! and the CPU came off with the heatsink, like the CPU was stuck to the heatsink, anyway at this point of like OH FUCK im screwed (AMD FX 8350) i looked down at the chip socket and the little lever was still down in the locked position, then i looked at the actual pins of the CPU and they were all in good condition surprisingly except for one right on the outside layer which was slightly bent, i got a small butter knive and straightened it out so it was uniform with the rows, but i still had the issue of the CPU being stuck to the heatsink, i looked it up online and found out you can use a hairdryer, so i got my hairdryer out and put it on the chip for about 30 seconds and the chip came right off, i cleaned the paste off and put the chip back in the socket, installed my new NH-D14 and tested. Didn't think it was going to post after that treatment, however, it went right into windows, i proceeded to run a stress test and everything was fine. Funnily enough im writing this on the same computer now.
Advice: Run some high CPU intensive programs before you try to swap the CPU cooler, this will heat the thermal paste and help it come off easier, or just use a hairdryer directly on the AMD heatsink for 30 seconds.
Cpu's can take a beating. I have a low end 1.8ghz pentium 4 that has literally been in a toilet and pissed on, which still functions. cool thing is that the 2.8 ghz chip i replaced it with overclocked its self because it had a lower stock fsb. I still cannot believe that the poor things still work after my constant abuse because replacements are only $5 or $10 on amazon.