They were not listed yesterday evening.
I got the one with 10ge. No CPUs available yet.
Did you notice there is a bodge wire in the motherboard stock photo? I wonder if they’ll be there in all the Rev 1.00A versions.
The specifications was change by the last moment
The wire is not present on the board that I received.
BTW, the steel back plate to support the CPU is massive and heavy.
I can’t keep up with their world of warcraft names, what generation of zen is that?
The last digit is the Zen version, 4
nice, supermicro has always made high quality motherboards which is why the picture surprised me.
The last motherboard that had a bodge wire for me was an Asus p2b-ds from the late 90s
As of today, the first retailers are getting the epyc 9124 in stock. The major retailers don’t have it yet.
As of today, newegg now lists a 1u HP server with the 9124 + sas card + 32GB as available for only 3x the cost of a CPU+MB.
This one is sort of interesting because the vendor is listed on AMD’s site as one of the vendors to use to get a 7xx2 series epyc CPU.
But, they are out of stock. Yesterday the product was not listed, only the 24 core parts.
I suspect that AMD is making their cpu cores, and sorting the core complexes. The dies with working cores, get put in chips, the ones without as many working dies get put aside until the demand dies down on the high dollar CPUs, or the pile of slightly broken dies gets inconvenient. So the CPU I am waiting for will be delayed by a few weeks.
BTW: the super micro motherboard with 10G ethernet is now out of stock at newegg, and the one with 1G ethernet is in stock.
Several Genoa SKUs in stock in UK reatailers today, e.g. (no affilation) AMD EPYC 9004 Series Zen 4 1P/2P Socket SP5 Server Processor - AMD EPYC 9004 Dual Socket Data Centre Server CPU | SCAN UK
I bought one:
Then also got 2 32GB ddr5 rdimms off of eBay from a seller in the USA.
I just got:
Dynatron listed them as a reseller, and they sold components without needing to purchase a system.
I was going to get one off of newegg, but shipping was going to take 12 days to my address, and coolerguys will ship priority mail, ie probably 3 days, so it should get here around the same time as the CPU and ram.
I have a 850watt psu, a full tower case that I have used with atx and eatx motherboards, and a box full of misc connectors that I have collected over the last few decades of building PCs.
I also have an nvidia 750ti which will drive my monitor. If there are problems there, I have a vga monitor to plug into the ipmi adapter, or I can use the ethernet interface, but I would prefer to just use local access to get started.
Hopefully I have everything I need to get this working.
Looks great, Maybe I will buy a CPU and build a new server in the next year with one of these boards…
The ram and cpu cooler just arrived. I went to check the status of the CPU, and it never shipped, nor did they charge my card. So I will call Monday to sort that out.
all cleared up, CPU on it’s way again.
So it was out for delivery this morning…
now this, and they aren’t answering the phone or responding to requests.
I was just emailed, They accidentally shipped 2 processors instead of 1. So they canceled the shipment and will send a single processor to me.
I have the CPU in hand. I have never felt a CPU this heavy before.