“The PC and console are powered by a semi-custom “Zen” and “Vega”-based AMD SOC. The high-performance AMD chip combines an AMD Ryzen™ CPU (4 core/8 thread running at 3Ghz) with AMD Radeon™ Vega Graphics (24CUs running at 1.3Ghzs), and 256-bit GDDR5 interface onto a single chip and 8GB of GDDR5 on the motherboard.” From AMD blog post
I wonder if any gray market motherboards will surface with that chip.
The only place I found a price so far is overclock3d
"Zhongshan Subor’s PC/Console will be available in late August for around 4,998 Yuan. The system will include a 128GB SSD, a 1TB HDD and ship with an HDMI 2.0 display output. "
So converted is $732. I will keep looking for gray market motherboards using that chip.
So some more digging around and found a video review of it. There aren’t subtitles unfortunately, but he does bring up cpuz and gpuz. https://youtu.be/Gypzm0zBXk0?t=644