AMD R7 265 water block

hi guys im about to purchase 4 r7 265 ... yes i know but its what i can afford and whats available rigth now (well in a lil bit).

what im going to do with this its to do some coin mining im just starting and gonna se how it works.


but what i relly need your help guys its how in the hell its the best way to cool this babys i need a water block but im serching and find nothing.


what you think i should do??


thanks guys!!

it's barely out, you're gona have to wait on that waterblock, it may never come since waterblocks are mainly for enthusiast who purchase enthusiast level cards (top end) those are the ones they usually make water blocks for. if anything you can try using a universal water block

thanks for the comment, can your recomend me a universal water block!!

here's a fun article


Don't do it man. Instead of 4 r7 265s why not 1 r9 290? 4 r7 265s and 4 waterblocks would cost stupid amounts of money and you wouldn't see much benefit past 2 cards in crossfire. 

Sorry, I don't have a solution for you but where are you purchasing the R7 265 from? I can't find the darn thing anywhere. I am in the USA by the way.

I have a Sapphire Radeon r7 265 and it is amazing. Plays nearly all games at max settings. I bought mine from tigerdirect. Hope this helps!

necro'd the hell out of this thread