Ok, so I was going to get an AMD phenom 965 BE, but after some research, hard work, and some minor begging, I got some extra cash. So, I know intel is good, but I really, really like AMD. Idk why, I just do. So, I need yous guys' opinion about this chip: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284
Feel free to state your opinion. W-without hurting eachothers feelings. :)
You will prolly want to still go with a Phenom 2 X4 at that budget. While an 8350 will be slightly faster than an overclocked phenom 2, the difference will be negligible in games due to most games only using 4 cores. Using a cheaper CPU will allow you to buy a better motherboard, which will allow you to overclock the phenom, and any other CPU you decide to upgrade to.