AMD Overclock Problem

I have overclocked my FX 4300 to 4.1ghz, with a 4.2ghz turbo. However, when I run either prime95 or heavy load once my cpu is overclocked, the cpu reaches 95% load maximum. However, before I overclock and was at stock speeds, the cpu was able to hit 100% load. Why is this, and is it normal?
Heavyload is saying 100% cpu load when it is run.

Also, Gigabyte EasyTune shows the processor going from 4.1 ghz to 4.2 ghz during heavyload, but both CPU-Z and Core Temp show the clock speed to be mainly 3.9ghz with a few peaks of 4.1 like it should be, however this is still different to what gigabyte easytune 6 says it is.
Here is a screenshot to show the load only showing 95 in task manager, but 100 in heavyload. It also shows the different core speeds from Core Temp and gigabyte easytune.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Not every program is able to fully use the CPU due to some coding or possible hardware constraints.
Tools can be a little inconsistent sometimes.

what is the voltage you set it at if you havent chose one that could be your problem but dont quote me on that

Is the over clock stable and not causing errors? Unstable OCs are the most common thing here.

Assuming the OC is stable, keep in mind what apache546 said about not all programs using all the power available to it. This is actually quite common, even in video games and some production software. Another thing to keep in mind is that over clocking can actually make some things run out of sync, causing errors, EVEN IF your OC is completely stable. For example, Dungeon Keeper 2 on my over clocked 6300? Nuh ugh, weird game speeds and back to back "random events." And some hardware monitoring software is prone to give wrong results while over clocking, like my MSI afterburner FPS monitor jumping around while Fraps gives the true FPS.

Just be aware that over clocking can cause weird things to happen and the fix for those things may not always be easy or even possible.

the CPU load in task manager not reaching 100% is completely normal, it stays at around 98% on my system while running prime95 ([email protected])

You are overclocking on a trash mobo thats why you are failing the gigabyte 78lmt-usb3 was never even designed for FX chips expect throttleing when you use a mobo that cost's a pittence