AMD or Nvidia? help me decide!

SO im extremely frustrated right now. Next month ill be building my first computer and Iv always loved the idea of having an Nvidia card with their cuda, physx technologies and now their new record the last 20min of gameplay... Iv just fallen in love. I plan on getting back into digital design as well (adobe programs) and I know that most software (to my limited knowledge) mostly support cuda tech. 

all this said... i was looking towards buying a gtx 770 though once i checked out AMD's new R9 280x Im like WOOOOWWWWWW its on par with the 770 and its over $100 cheaper!!!??? *drools* !!!!! 

So my question is why? why the price difference and is it worth picking up a new R9 series GPU for games and later on digital design? I really want the best bang for buck while also having technologies that ill end up falling in love with.

Please no bias bashing or put downs. Id rather keep this civil if possible. 

Im really leaning towards AMD R9 but could really use some advice from others who have much more experience than I. 


The 280x seems like a great card, and for a 100 bucks less you can't really go wrong. Coming from a 770 owner. 

Fairly simple for me if you need or have to use cuda buy the GTX 770 if all you are doing is gameing buy the R9 280x (or save some cash and buy a HD7950 and overclock it)

Its rumored that the r9 290 will launch next week like oct 31st. It will likely be $450ish and perform like a 780. If you dont want to wait or spend that much Id get the 280x. The only reason I would get a 770 is if you know you really need cuda for a specific purpose. Like say if you are 100% going to use iRay or cycles for something like previs rendering.

If you just think you might want cuda in the future but dont already know the specific use case then I wouldn't let it be the deciding factor.

what do you guys think of physX? I really like the demos and differences with it on and off in games. do you guys think its worth straying away from amd atm?

no. only a few games use physx.... liek batman, but you don't really need it for that anyhow.

new consoles will run AMD hardware.... what do you think ? Developers will develop first for AMD and later patch for NVIDIA graphic improvements.

Personally, I've read to many negatives with this launch of amd's latest offerings, I'm ready to upgrade myself and this has had me weary. Personally nvidia has never done me wrong so That's how I'm leaning. 

I really want to see AMD in action before I jump ship, with mantle and updated drivers it may be something.