Amd or intel

im not over clocking i need budget so i want to go with amd and alot of people say intel is just more reliable.

don't get psycho and comment crazy and fight about it. i dont want to hear your crybaby stuff about how dumb people are for choosing a certain brand i have done homework and it just seems like for buck, amd is great and barely a NOTICABLE difference

gaming and <or =$1000

considering there are not any i5's at the same price of an 8320 I'd go for that

Still depends on what games you play though If your willing to pay more for your cpu and less on something else go for intel

Does this 1000 cover a screen, keyboard and mouse as well? If it just for the PC you could probably afford to go Intel, depending on the other specs you want to shoot for and which games you play.

i need a gtx because i received a nvidia sheild for christmas so i figured i might as well use its streaming feature since im building a pc and i have a keyboard and mouse but not the best screen but it will do if i have to use it

for the price AMD is much better, but some of the i7's out perform anything AMD can throw out. A good cpu is the AMD FX 8350 at right around $150 blows everything similarly priced out of the water

At this stage the AMD is still the best bang for the buck by a long shot but I am having a really hard time justifying something so late in life, I know they are still good and will remain good for a long time still but... 

Intel are not overly expensive and for gaming you wont want anything over an i5 as it will just be a bit of a waste. So shoot for i5 and check out the motherboards as they can be expensive under Intel. If it checks out with the rest of you budget go for it.

For the rest of the budget make up a semi flexible price range for all the parts so you can go up on one or down if you find a deal but keep in inside your target budget. Then as you zero in on the final part in each category you will have a more solid final budget. 

First up CPU and Motherboard.


Though AMD will provide "bang for you buck" I think the major problem is the old platform itself, if you go with a decent i5 on an 1150 motherboard you have a great platform that can be upgraded if need be. Again this isn't about the cpus, both will work for gaming purposes, but think ahead. 


if you are not interessted in overclocking, then by all means go and buy an locked i5, with a cheap H97 chipset board.

If you are mainaly a gamer, then the i5 realy is the better allrounder especialy if you want to shoot your money towards a higherend GPU like GTX970. Intel haswell cpu´s have a much better per core performance then AMD FX cpu´s, and allot of games still relay on that. Games dont use more then 4 main threads, there are only a few games, that can utilize all availeble threads, but still this does not gonne give me any significant performance increase.

AMD is not the best bang for buck for gaming anymore in my opinnion, at least not the FX 8 core, because you have to overclock the shit out of it, So that means you need a decent mobo, and a more expensive cooling. This all together will make the AMD more costy in the end. And even overclocked, it simply falls behind a locked i5 in gaming in allot of cpu bound games, or cpu bound gaming scenario´s like multiplayer.

There is realy nothing to argue about in my opinnion. AMD is basicly still a good choice if you do more then just gaming and random stuff with your system. If you do virtualization, 3D render or that kind of stuf, AMD would be a great bang for the buck. But for pure gaming, an intel i5 is simply the better allrounder. And does not have to be more expensive persee.

Offcourse in the end it all depends on what games you are playing, and how you play them. Because there are offcourse allot of GPU bound games like Tombraider, in which the cpu it self does not make a whole lot of sense, because you are getting GPU limited mainaly. But like i said earlier, there are also allot of games, that are heavely cpu bound, and in those games an intel haswell i5 is simply the better allrounder, because of its faster core´s will be better on the minimum frame rates mainaly.

If you want budget then scoop up one of the 8310's on the deal page. You can pick one of the 970 boards for about the same price. 

This is what I keep telling people and they call me Intel fanboy. People tend to ignore locked i5's like they don't exist because some of them are in the same price range as the FX-8320/50, and they think overclocking will make a world of difference. It won't. All of these i5's preform just about the same at stock speeds. The differences aren't worth mentioning. And games are designed to run at stock processor speeds anyway. Overclocking is nice to have, but when on a budget it's a lot better to save money by buying a locked i5, cheaper mobo and no aftermarket cooler and invest the rest into better GPU. You can get the i5-4570+MSI H97 PC Mate for the same price if not less than the FX-8350+990FX mobo+aftermarket cooler.


your right there, i just swapped out my cpu to a 3770 for $200 from a core i5 2XXX

i was going to wait but then i dont see the point yet, a newer motherboard and cpu wouldnt add loads more features and im waiting till ddr4 before i replace motherboard now.


intel has a lot better ipc (instructions per clock)

amd 8c is better if your doing say rendering that uses a lot of cores but for games/ day to day stuff then a core i5 is faster (not many things use more than 4c)


lets be honest if money was no object go for a dual xeon board with 2*15c xeons

i dont see a point in going for amd, sorry but i would use all my old computers and start a hpc cluster

FX 8350 FTW at Multitasking

Curious, have we all stopped recommending the Xeon E3 1231v3/1230v3? I suppose that and a decent H81/B85/H97 motherboard would be a great combo.

Xeon 1231V3 with cheaper H97 board, would indeed also be a good option.

But slightly more expensive, and for mainaly gaming, an i5 is all you gonne need atm. in terms of pure gaming performance, there wont be much of a diffrence between a xeon an i5

Yeah thats true.

Go i5 what MisteryAngel and ImprovizoR  said is right. Most games only use 2-4 cores. ATM im trying to switch between my fx8320 at 4.6ghz to a i5 so that should be saying something. But the Xeon sounds interesting ....

If you in the states and near a microcenter. i5 4590 160$ that is what I did. Every game I have thrown at it works fine.

The FX line is also a good chip. But some Dev's are still having issues coding for high thread counts. Like Day Z. You can run it on a 8 core fine. But can take some time and research if you end up having problems. Its important to know there are only a hand full of games out there like this.