Amd or intel?

Hi I was tasked by my friend to build him a decent gaming system under $800

So far I have two setups amd and intel

Intel                                              Amd

-pentium g860                      -A10 5800k

-h61 chipset                         -A75 chipset

-radeon 6770                       -hd 6670 in dual gfx


He only plays mmorpgs like WoW and guild wars 2 and maybe a little fps on the side

Amd is a tad more expensive

I'm looking for best bang for buck

please don't degenerate into a fanboi flamewar



You can do a lot better than these for $800 dood, where do you live?

 If you live in the states, I threw this FX based system together yesterday, comes to $650 before taxes and shipping. Would do a lot better than what your currently looking at. 

This is his first build so even the monitor is included in the build not just the computer. Even the keys and mouse is included in the build. yes I live in Califonia

Hmm, fine, I'm bored, I'll put you together a build in a few minutes. Do you want it to be $800 before or after taxes and shipping? Also whats your taxation rate in your state so I can calculate it accurately.

after taxes please and my tax rate is   8.750 %  Thanks man appreciate it

Sorry for taking so long, got jammed up at work. Here was my first pass, wasn't much different than the system I posted earlier, changed a couple things, added basic mouse/keyboard and 1600x900 res 20" monitor. When a good $40 over budget with taxes, shipping and rebates accounted for. Before rebates I went a good $80 over budget.

If you want, I'll see what I can trim, see if I can get it under the number.

You could swap the FX 6300 for an FX 4300 or i3 3220, but you would only save about $10-$20, and its a big cut in processor power (though it wouldn't affect gaming much to be hoenst). If you have no intention of OCing, you could cut the Cooler and trim down the mobo and that would put you at budget...

 W/e tell me what you think. 

 EDIT: Changed a few things in the build, it should be at budget now. For one, I used the wrong memory, so was able to save some money using the correct memory, also decided to remove the cooler, simply because the FX6300 comes with a decent stock cooler already (much better than the APUs and intel chips) with 2 heatpipes build into it. So hopefully this floats your boat. Should be able to get excellent in game performance as well as excellent overall CPU performance, should be able to obtain a decent OC even with just the stock cooler, probably at least 4.2GHz.

 EDIT: oops forgot to update the link >_> 

sweet! went with the fx 4100 instead thanks!


This is what I would go with, pretty baller system for $800

^^ Didn't include monitor, mouse and keyboard