I'll keep this thread up-to-date when it's starts. 9-10AM PST. or 12PM for the fellow people in the Eastern Side.
Fury X/Fury Pro
R9-300 series
R9-390x/R9/390 - Hawaii XT/ Hawaii Pro / Grenada XT / Grenada Pro R9-380/R9-380x - Tonga XT / Antigua XT / Antigua Pro R9-370/R9-370x - Trinidad XT / Trinidad Pro R9-360/R9-360x - Tobago XT / Tobago Pro
R9 Fury X will cost $649 R9-Fury will cost $549 R9-390x will cost $429 R9-390 will cost $329 R9-380 2/4GB cards will cost $199 to $249 R9-370 Will Cost $149