AMD FX Upgrade time?

So I have an AMD FX4100, and am planing to upgrade to the 8370 but it dawned on me that it's a new year should I wait to see if AMD decides to try something new with the FX series, and if they do would it be compatible with my current motherboard Asrock extreme3 990fx.


So My question is for everyone should I go head and buy it the 8370 this week or wait a month or two to see if we hear anything from AMD

I'd buy now, zen will be coming out next year but it's unlikely or will be on am3+

Whats your gfx card? If your 4100 isn't limiting whatever card you have I'd hold off unless you do something else on your machine that would benefit. Also your extreme 3 is going to have problems running an 8370. Its a power hungry part and the extreme 3 has pretty weak sauce vrms. 

Nvidia Geforce 660 Superclocked by evga

Also id like to add ive been playing alot of "Everquest Landmark" and they have a tool that lets you see if your CPU or GPU Bound. in most sittuations it shows am CPU Bound but it doesn't take much to become GPU bound either. From what the devs claims it's good to see it kinda bounce back and forth a bit but much better to be GPU bound over all because disabling or lowering graphic filters is an easier fix then a CPU bound issue. with that said am only getting 30-50FPS in best cases worse cases they drop as low as 12FPS while running at 35 frames all the time wouldn't be so bad its the drops down to 12 FPS that really piss me off, and i need to gear up my system before "Everquest Next" comes out. Hopefully I can do this with out too much money spent.

Go Intel, take i5 and you will be fine.

do you even know how many times Intel changes their socket?

get that 8370 and get as much life out of your current machine as you can...

odds are most of your current rig will not be transferable to whatever comes next.

So play the waiting game and wait for x99 (or whatever) platform to drop to a price level you are more comfortable with.

You wont be slumming it with an 8370 and barring acts of ubisoft should handle anything you can throw at it.

intel change sockets like I change socks. Oh wait

x99 will never drop significantly in price, it's just the way it's always been.

Agreed, 8370 is quite a bit better and more overclockable than your fx 4100

Sockets change because new architectures are made, but AMD wouldn't understand :P

I appreciate you're help guys/gals I'll be ordering the 8370 soon ty

Yes I know, but who cares? His motherboard will be outdated anyway at the time he need to change. If he wants to gain FPS in CPU-limited games, Intel is the only answer at the moment, unfortunately.