Have a look at my build and let me know what you think.
PC will be used for gaming and streaming. My main questions are regarding the mobo and psu... is this mobo good for OCing and will this psu be good enough for future upgrades?
Also, I have no idea what monitor to purchase...any recommendations would be appreciated. Less than $300 would be ideal.
PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/214Cx
I would go with a 650 watt if you are planning on OCing, 8350 draws a lot of power when overclocked. If you are planning on crossfiring get a 750 watt psu.
I'm no expert on this stuff, but going by this calculator (not sure how accurate it is):
you're right around 520 watts without even overclocking your gpu. If it were me I would go with the 650 watt in case I wanted to upgrade something later.
I've been looking at the motherboard you have listed and the 990FX version.Both are the same price right now (there's a $10 off promo for 990FX that expires tomorrow). Decisions decisions...
If you wanted to OC your CPU then you should pay a few bucks more to get a cpu cooler first. Your MOBO is capable of OCing your CPU but you cooler isn't