AMD Fury & Others getting Unlocked to X models

Enjoy there seems to be some successes. Good luck.

(but beware, some gpu's are having problems)

WARNING: Don't use GUI variant, AtiWinflash.exe because it broken. AtiWinflash incorrectly handles 256KB PROM! Use atiflash.exe ONLY.

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Hawaii, huh. Are there any reports of 290s being flashed to 290x's? I'd love to give it a try but not if there is a real risk of bricking the card (although I think the TriX and all the reference cards actually have a dual BIOS anyway).
edit: ran the tool, both GPUs appear to be hardware locked, so no free performance for me.

I love how AMD usually just soft locks cores on their products, Compared to how intel and Nvidia uses lazors or fuses to disable cores.

Wait. What.

I'm currently running crossfired R9 285s.

... Don't tempt me.

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Pretty sure most 285s can be unlocked.
Though I'm wondering why they don't have any fully unlocked version of those chips.

I'm wondering if there was an issue with binning, or yields.

Then again, who knows, maybe they were waiting to make some sort of retaliatory product. shrugs

I know they had some fully unlocked chips that were made into OEM designs.

some success on all types of cards this small piece of software will tell you if it can be unlocked or not.

I partially unlocked my fury, got 3840 shaders now. Sure its not the full furyx but man its better than it was. Since only 1/8 of the 8 disabled blocks needs to be bad to go from a fury x to a fury I expect more of this. I hope they talk about it on the tek,and try their and bench it if it can be unlocked.

sometimes they were broken thats why they were disabled and sold as normal fury.

i have looked into this, and i have read an interessting topic about this on OCN.
But from what i have seen, only a very few cards where able to unlock some of the shader units.
But keep in mind that most of the time disabled because they where failing.
If you unlock a failed compute unit, you will end up with a card that might not work properly.

Read more here:

They actually do laser them later on. Usually what happens is the X version comes out and it is expensive and the then non X comes out and is cheaper but there are not enough of them for market demand so they take the X lines that are now comparatively over produced and under demanded soft lock them and sell them as the non X variants till production ramps up. Then they have both lines and ones that fail the X line get lasered and sold and non X from that point on, it happens every generation.

Granted they did used to just soft lock the CPUs in the Athlon/Phenom days but not any more. It is a short time thing, which is why a lot of people can't unlock theirs.

Nevermind, turns out 390 don't unlock to 390x very well if at all. Got my answer. Shame.

:( Don't remind me Zibob, you will make my 290s cry....

Well don't forget that that always depends on the chip but most of the time the deactivated shaders don't work very well but the process can work quite well

You might not want to do that. I mean there is probably a reason why there are no cards with the Tonga XT GPU and only ones with Tonga Pro