You just need to wait until the 24th. The MSRP for the Fury X is $649 and I figure MSI will release theirs at just that with a possible PCB revision!
Waiting wont be a problem. Just need it by August 18th.
You decided to ditch the 3rd monitor right?
But yeah, @Zippy_Parmesian is right. If you can wait a little bit to see how the Fury parts go, those will likely be your best price-to-performance.
Yes, even if you don't go with Fury prices on parts already on the market/have been should drop depending on the performance of Fury.
I knocked down the peripherals to more basic components, except for the speakers. (Also, the case.) I figured that if the PC is going to be used more for a gaming center, rather than an single enthusiast platform, then why not have a 5.1 set-up?
Anyway, games like LoL, Dota 2, and CS: GO do not require a lot of graphical horse power. The 980 TI, if you so choose to continue to go that route, will really shine with games like Tomb Raider, or Metro 2033 Redux. Some people will say that the graphics cards in the 980-class are overkill for an AMD 8-core, but DirectX12 is just around the corner, and game developers are actually getting smart with coding games - finally. So, in addition to streaming games, or just streaming in general, the AMD 8-core is still viable. But, seriously, a normal 980 will probably be good enough to do the job - maybe even a 970. Alternatively, throw money at the R9 290X 8gb/R9 390X. You may actually want to consider going this route instead, especially if games like CS:GO are going to be your primary concern.
So, there you go. A 2k build for a gaming center that has a red/black theme, and is capable of streaming.
with a budget of 2k, there is realy no point of looking into an AMD FX cpu setup at all to be honnest.
4790K is basicly the best cpu for gaming atm.
THe Xeon E3-1231-V3 as mentioned above, is also not a bad choice, if you dont care about overclocking.
You could pair this cpu with a cheaper H97 of Z97 board to save some money.
However the 4790K of course offers a littlebit beter gaming performance overall, due its higher stock clocks and overclockability.
But then again, you need to invest in a decent Z97 board, and cooling.
However on a 2k budget, that shouldnt be a big problem.
I would say go with a 4790K.
I agree with @MisteryAngel, the 4790K is a much better CPU for your needs. I also think that the R9 390X is a good choice for your GPU if you don't want to wait for Fiji, it should have more than enough power to play games on max settings @1080p, it has an extra 2GB of VRAM, and it's ~2/3 the price of the 980Ti.
P.S. If you live near a MicroCenter, you should be able to get the CPU for about $60 less than it is in this listing.
It would somewhat be foolish to not jump on Fiji with a 2k budget, and waiting 2 days isn't going to hurt; even more so to not jump on X99 with a lower end gpu.
Fiji and Z97 with peripherals us about as good as it gets.
An i7 4790k would offer a slight benefit as well but when it comes down to it, you could spend $100 more and be on X99.