AMD driver is crashing trying to install it on a VM with passthough

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to setup a new Windows 10 VM (did all updates on 20H2) with passthough. My graphics card is successfully passed though. Trying to install AMDs Adrenalin 21.5.1 or Adrenalin 21.4.1 fails. The first one installs and instantly opens the crash reporter and the last one requires a restart before it tells me it is not working. Opening the ControlPanel fails with a message that no AMD driver is installed. I made sure I have followed the instructions on video card virtualization detection

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong here? I am a bit puzzled since the passthough works! I get video directly from the port on the graphics card. Thanks in advance!

Never mind! Command back! Literally the first thought that came to me after hitting send, to create this thread, was the solution. I can set re-size bar support in the UEFI on either auto or disabled. Setting it to autoleads to the problem stated above. I set it to disabled, did a reboot and the guest VM started with AMD driver loaded.

Very nice, I will have to make note of this as I’m planning on trying the pass through on my workstation, pretty sure it doesn’t have Resizable BAR support however but I will have to confirm.

When your graphics card supports re-size bar support it might be the other way around, though.