I have a pair of 7970 in crossfire, also the new AMD (GTA-V) beta drivers.
Each card has 3GB of VRam, in crossfire each card's VRam has the same data so the total VRam available for a game is 3GB.
GTA-V combines the VRam and thinks I have 6GB available for it. It looks like if the game sees VRam it attempts to use it, buffer or cache I'm not sure. The game runs well enough on a single card but all the same as I have two it would be nice to use both.
Has anyone run into this issue, if so do you know of a fix?
There are still tons of bugs in the game since it just launched. I am sure that there will be plenty of patches and updates and drivers and whatnot coming soon. One of them will likely solve the problem for you.
OK I think I have it figured. The game is mistakenly adding the VRam together. Thing is it's also adding the useage together as well.
So with one card the game is using, say 2GB of VRam. With both cards it says it's using 4GB. Which is sort of true, in a backwards way of thinking about it.
Still it needs a patch to help reduce the confusion.
My performance issues were resolved and I have no idea how... On a side note this has to be the first game I have played when VSync results in smooth game play. My 7970's can run real hot if pushed, having the game locked to 60fps means that they are running well within themselves. So they run cool and for once quiet. Normally sound like blooming leaf blowers when gaming...
This was recorded with the capture built into Raptr.