so using my 6770 and the weird thing is that its running at 400 mhz not at 850 any reason why? I have replaced the thermal paste, reinstalled the drivers to no avail.
The GPU is lowering its clock for power and thermal purposes. Basically... its idling. If you hit up the card with a 3D application it should jump back upto its full clock.
the temps were like 48c during load and at 400mhz when i played some csgo with it. there was nothing wrong with the thermals
He didn't say that it's overheating... Read again..
As @Jason_Thongphetmanic correctly pointed out, it has nothing to do with thermal's. If the card doesn't need to run at full "Whap" to get adequate performance, it isn't going to.
In source engine games my GPU's barely lift off of their idle clock of 300Mhz because its simply not demanding.
If you're experiencing low frame rates however and the card is not clocking back up, I would take a look at your cards 3D settings within Catalyst.
View the gpu-z sensors whilst a benchmark (furmark, heaven, 3dmark etc) is running. If it doesnt reach 850 then there is a problem. If it does the gpu is fine.
that is what i am trying to say