AMD Catalyst audio driver "hides" onboard audio

I have a problem with my device management whenever my graphics card is installed. The Catalyst driver takes over audio output and prioritizes it to make it where it sends audio via HDMI to my monitor. This wouldnt be much of a problem if:

-I want to use a mic jack (That does not exist on my monitor)

-The audio output is horrible when the bass/volume is too much.

I have tried to uninstall the HDMI Audio driver and reinstall the mobo audio driver but the pc will not recognize that there is other audio output hardware and completely forgets about it. The only way to restore the font panel sound is to remove the GPU and then the onboard audio will automatically be recognized.


Try setting the correct output as default under Control Panel > Sound. If you aren't using the HDMI sound then you can also disable it in the Device Manager.