Hey this is my first time building a gaming pc and I not I have posted many posts about gaming pc's but I kinda need a lower budget of around $400, I am going to use this pc for mainly gaming and school work. I came up with 2 builds, an AMD and an intel, I want to know which is better and maybe u guys can tweak them a bit.
AMD: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zhzQ
Intel: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kwgi I know its overbudget but I couldnt find it around $400 maybe u guys can help
P.S. I want to play games like BF3, Crysis 3, DayZ, and CS at ok res. and playable 30+fps. I'm also a console gamer look to switch to PC for good.
I'd go with the Intel build on this one. The only thing i'd change is the CPU. Upgrade from the G620 to the G860 because it's just a little bit faster. I don't know if that suits your budget, if it doesn't then the G620 will do fine I guess (don't know about Crysis 3 though. It runs DayZ fine however). I've never been a fan of APUs and with the new Richland line coming out soon I'd hold off with buying an APU.
This is the best I could do for around 400 dollars. You will definitely be able to run BF 3 on medium settings at 1080p, DayZ at around 35 fps on med/low quality in Chernarus, in the countryside you can crank up the graphics. Crysis 3 will be able to run at low/med quality, depending on your resolution.
If you want you can cut down on costs by taking 4GB of RAM instead of 8GB. Also maybe downgrade the CPU from G860 to G850.
I cheapened his design a bit at the same time given some improvements. And went with a better GPU for better performance, I also personally like Sapphire cards even though MasterDome doesnt. He is right because its not an AMD APU you do need 8GB.
@Skewt this is exactly what you're looking for. Watch this video, he explains how to build a pc, uses the exact same parts and shows some DayZ and BF3 gameplay
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KwQp I saw the Intel option with an optical drive, so I wasn't sure if you needed one or not because your AMD option didn't have one.
A 7770 can actually max out BF3 at 1080p. Not sure about the Pentium though, but BF3 is more GPU intensive, so yeah. Except maybe multiplayer, the Pentium G860 might struggle a bit.
instead of getting a pentium should a get a phenom IIx4 965 BE and swap the mobo, and what would be a good, relatively inexpensive, AM3+ MOBO that takes 1600mhz RAM?
hey guys would it be worth spending the extra few bux to get an fx-4300, and can anyone come up with build suggestions under $450 with it, BTW u guys r AWESOME!!!
FX4300 build for 450 dollars isn't really possible, and the CPU doesn't even matter in this case. GPU is where you want to be spending most of your money on. Just get a cheap processor like the Phenom II x4 955 BE and pair it with a 7850 or something.