AMD APU build concerns

Hello everybody. I just built a computer for my girlfriend including a GA-A55M DS2, amd 5600k, (1x4) GB ram 1600mhz and a corsair vs 450w psu. Everything went smoothly but I have some concerns..I know quite a few things about overclocking, voltages etc but only on intel based systems. So my concerns: the cpu runs at about 45c on idle and at 95-97c on full load (cinebench) with a 20c ambient temperature at 1.42~ volts (cpuZ) and the ram I checked AMP on the uefi (nothing happend) and I put It manually on 1600mhz and the timings byt cpuZ reports the clockspeed but not the timings..these are the things im worried about and any input wiil be very much apreciated!

thanks! ps. the stock cooler is properly in place with aftermarket paste from coolermaster, I doublechecked :)

The timings for the RAM should be under the tabs called "Memory" and "SPD". If you set them in the BIOS and there isn't a post error, they should remain at what you set them as.

Also, do not even consider OCing on the stock cooler. An non-APUs the stock cooler can handle a small OC. However APUs running warmer, due to the GPU cores.


Thanks man. I've put the timings manually but cpuZ doesnt report them as it should.Although in geekbench and cinebench I saw a small bump in performance so i guess it runs at 1600mhz. Oc was never in my plans its just that Vcore and load line calibration is at auto and it goes as high as 1.42 volts, so I thought it might be giveng more voltage than it actually needs. thanks for the input :)