AMD and Nvidia

Hello Tek Syndicate community!

I have recently started watching The Tek from around 130th episode, and I've noticed that Logan and Wendell always talk about AMD being a great open source company and Nvidia not so much. He keeps saying that if AMD releases a good GPU he will switch because of his dislike of closed up Nvidia. I was thinking about that and one question came up, aren't all of these big company's bad is some way or the other? I'm sure that AMD isn't a holy angel either. I'm thinking of that, because I'm going to buy a new GPU and I thought would it change something if I would go with AMD instead of Nvidia like Logan says?

Thanks for your contribution. 

If I remember correctly Nvidia essentially told Linux to F' off whereas AMD actually is much more supportive of open source projects. You can also look at the Freesync/GSync thing. AMD supports Freesync or adaptive v-sync or whatever it's called this week, which is free for any company to use and produce whereas Nvidia is only going for GSync which is their own close-sourced proprietary system which essentially does the exact same thing.

In a nutshell, AMD is more open-source friendly whereas Nvidia wants proprietary everything. 

Yeah I've noticed that, so AMD is more about the community where is Nvidia isn't. Thanks!

AMD is pro open source, but they also always draw more power than their competition. they use more "crude" architectures, and hopefully their next gen GPU's and CPU's go away from this trend.