AMD Althon x4 860k average temps?

This to any AMD CPU owners. I just built a hpcp/gaming pc for my dad. It is using the AMD Althon x4 860k and a AsRock FM2A88M Extreme4+. The cpu temps are really scarry. I've ran Prime95 and it is maxing at 76c according to HWiNFO. Is that ok for an AMD cpu? I even undervolted the thing from 1.37 to 1.35 and that doesnt make a difference. It is stable at 72c. My cpu cooler is a CM Hyper 212 EVO with both stock fans in push/pull config. I had the extra fan from when i replaced the cpu cooler fans with sickleflows on the same CM Hyper 212 EVO on my machine.

Sometimes the temp sensor is not very accurate. Have you tried using the motherboard utility and monitor the temps that way?

I think the program is AsRock A-Tuning. You should be able to see the temperature on the System Info tab once the program is installed.

Ahh alright thanks. AMD is a whole new venture for me lol. I've always used Intel but considering that AMD makes a quad core for 90 bucks thats unlocked is a steal in my books. I will report back and see whats up with it. Its 3 AM where i live.Thanks again for telling me that. I also ran 3DMark and the temps too were reporting 73 as well. Got a score of 5149 on Fire Strike. Its mated with a EVGA GTX 760 with the ACX Cooler.

Seems like a bad mount on the 212 evo to me though it should not be even hitting those temps imho try reinstalling the heatsink and use the pea method.

Im back with an update. ASRock A-Tuning say that the CPU Temp is at 42 and it is stable now for about 30 minutes. I guess I was looking at a different sensor on HWiNFO. I'm really scratching my head as to why 3DMark said my cpu was at 73c. Was it looking at the actual CPU die? Whatever it is i guess I'm sticking to ASRock A-Tuning since it did come with the motherboard. The cpu though its a darn good one. If you want I can post some benchmarks of the thing. Its just a rebranded A10-7850k without the iGPU.

I somewhat ran a worse case scenario where the cpu and gpu is maxed out. Gpu was stable at 80c and the CPU was stable at 52c. The computer IMO is perfect. for whatever my dad wants to do to it lol. I am thinking about OCing the cpu but that warranty.............

the warranty is already gone if you use an aftermarket cooler  but if you still have the box and the shitty stock heatsink you may still have your warranty.


You don't have to tell them you used an aftermarket heatsink and they generally don't ask if you used the stock heatsink. When I RMA'd my APU I was using a hyper 212. Yeah that clause is there but AMD can choose whether or not they enforce it. 

P.S. AMD explicitly tells you to not send the stock cooler back when RMAing

Don't use prime 95. Its not validated for that processor. Prime 95 is also know to over volt the processor making it run hotter. Use Aida 64 or OCCT for that one. AMD overdrive also has a build in stress test.

Yeah most programs beside the motherboard utility for AMD processors seem to be really off when it come to the temperature of the core. Especially core tmep and HW Info.

That's great that CPU is not around TJ-Max.

I still have them

That was the only tool i knew at the time. Thanks for telling me theses tools.

That is funny as to why theu read the sensors wrong. Oh well i guess lol.

Since you asked... can you OC your 860K and benchmark some games? I'm planning on a build my self pairing the cpu with r9 285 which is on par if not better that 770.

But with the pricing here, heavily considering r9 290 as well but people are saying pairing that with the 860k is not ideal...

appreciate your help mate... :) 


I have an 860k overclocked to 4.5ghz paired with an R9 280 overclocked to 1100/1400. In world of warplanes on high settings at 1080p I get 60-70fps when in action and 140+ if I look at the sky. The 860k scores around 6670 on silverbench at 4.5ghz with 2400mhz ram. It usually gets up to around 50C when gaming with a 212 plus with a good second fan added.


When i looked at the CPU usage the game only uses three cores and they aren't maxed out, and the GPU isn't maxed out either.