AMD A6 3670K Overclocking

I am looking to overclock a A6 3670K, but I can not find anything benchmarks online for reference point. There is a record of 5.2.  Has anyone done a good overclock of it, and what is a stable overclock for it?

Stable overclocks come from trial and error. There are no specific settings that will guarantee you a stable overclock. You have to play with the settings until your overclock is stable, and the settings are going to be different for each individual CPU. If there is a record of 5.2, then you probably won't be able to get anywhere near that, since they probably used liquid nitrogen or helium to cool it if they actually bothered to record the maximum clock speed.

The more current AMD CPUs seem to get between 3.9 and 4.2 Ghz though. I've seen some go higher than that, but I can't imagine an APU going much higher.

I messed around with a a6-3500 today and got 4.5ghz on stock cooling. I'm actually kind of amazed.