Amd a10

What are your opinions on this processor

Great for a budget build for sure. I love the crossfire capabilities with a 6670 in which make it very efficient. 

If you're going for absolute raw number crunching power intel still beats it. But for general usage it is awesome.


Do you think it will handle most games?

Alone without an extra crossfire GPU? On lower resolutions yes, on say 1080p no. Of course this is all without post processing effects like AA and such. It will play lower end games just fine, Counter Strike: Source and such are awesome with performance and optimization. I'm sure there are millions of benchmarks out there that are just a Google Search away for you to find! :D

In this build it includes a Asus Radeon HD 7750 1GB Video Card. I ment if the cores are cappable of running games like BOII Bf3 etc not the graphics of the CPU