I was wondering if the price difference off worth the performance. I have to upgrade ram, motherboard and CPU all at once as I'm coming off an Phenom II x4 944. Is it even worth upgrading? And also, I'd like to SLI two 660ti's late. On, and I've heard the 8350 bottlenecks your SLI's.. so basically, is the bottleneck there? Or significant enough? And will the 3570k be worth the extra money? Though I might be able toget it for 189 from a micro center!
They perform about the same, and there has been no real evidence to support AMD bottlenecking Nvidia platforms, as long as they can handle the. Plus dual 660TI s is a benchmarking standard. If you want a little extra performance and have the money, grab the intel. Otherwise you will be perfectly fine grabbing the AMD
If you play mainstream games like BF3, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider...ecte... the FX-83## is just as good as the i5 3570K if not better.
If you play 'Play for Free' games like Arma 2, Planet Side 2.....ecte... the i5 3570K is better.
The FX-8350 DOES NOT bottleneck SLI unless its games like Arma 2, Planet Side 2, in which case so will any Intel (but to a lesser extent) because games like that use very old and poorly optimised engines where Intel do better.
and now if we look at stuff like rendering, the 8350 kills.