AMD 6850, or 6670 and 7660D Crossfire?

I have 2 budget gaming builds that I might choose from, but which one would provide better gaming performance?

AMD A-10 5800k with 7660D (integrated) and AMD 6670 Crossfire

AMD Athlon II X3 450 with AMD 6850

If you get an AM3/AM3+ compatible mother board, i would suggest going the Athlon route, so that you may upgrade to piledriver in the next year or two.  For some reason I keep ragging on the trinity set-ups here in the forums... but the reason is that it simply doesn't make sense for a system dedicated to gaming.  A HTPC to run bluray and MythTV and some light gaming? WONDERFUL! But if you're looking to play some serious games I would go the Athlong route with the better videocard.
-OR- you could always go the Pentium G series route... good performers and can be had for less than the Athlon, with the option to upgrade to i5/i7

May I suggest you do this instead?

This would be a well balanced system and the mobo supports newer CPUs.

Yeah, this is a good build.  Maybe keep an eye out for a cheap GTX 460 1gb.  You can sometimes find them in the 100 dollar range... but then again there's no real performance difference between it and the 7770...