I have been running my CPU since December, and still get concerned over it?
Idle is around 50c, and when running a game in intense graphics it will hit up to 69C
I have water cooled everything, including the CPU, MB, Nvidia 1080ti video, and the memory.
I have two 150 res, Swiftech pump, 320 and a 120 radiators, with 20 TT 140 fans LOL. What the heck >
Those temperatures are basically fine.
It also depends on your room temperature.
Although 50°C idle could be better.
Perhaps you need to re-seat your cpu block as the contact isn’t good?
If the gpu is on the same loop what is the gpu temp under load?
If the GPU temp is under the cpu temp by a lot that could indicate a bad CPU block mount.
Although 69°C under load should be still in spec for the CPU.
If you have a lot of processes in the background that are constantly making the CPU spike I guess it might idle at 50°C since the water can’t soak up that temp spike quickly.
The 69°C nice while gaming could be due to the very high framerate.
What I’d do is try to cap the FPS at 60 just for testing to see if the CPU gets still that hot. If it does I’ll try to re-paste and mount the CPU block one more time to make sure makes good contact.
Similar temps to my3900x wouldnt worry
If you’re thinking a 20C delta means there’s something wrong with your cooling, then I wouldn’t worry about that either. Even though they don’t use that much power the heat density of a 3900X is high enough that temperatures are probably going to creep up a bit like that even under good cooling.
Thats pretty normal tbh. I have a custom loop too and high idle is pretty typical for me as well.
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