Amazon: The Truth Behind the Click

Guy check this out. Amazon really?

"Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, ..."

summary plz?

Soz there the summary


or try

Hmm. Nothing new for me. The Amazon-workers here in Germany are planing to strike before Christmas. It's the old controversy that everyone want to pay less and less, with lowest effort and are outraged about the concerns ethics.

This just sounds like a bunch of white people complaining... The rest of the world does this sort of work every day and they don't complain like babies. 

  • He complained that he had to work 6 miles in a shift... Walking is WAY healthier than standing (like behind a register)
  • How had to take the stairs... that's great, he will get in shape
  • The cart is heavy... try farming for a living... try construction...
  • He got a blister... seriously? 
  • The beeping of the scanner was haunting... 

The problems that I see are the long hours... but that is more of an issue with the laws. Big companies will do all they can within the law. The laws need to be better. The other problem is the count down... it sounds a bit unreasonable.

I agree with the idea of community wealth and small shops being a better way to go. I go to the local books stores and such, I shop at the local farms (rather than the big grocery stores), etc. I'm all for community wealth... and in a perfect world it would all be that way. There would be no Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, etc... but our modern world has modern needs... you can't but a locally made laptop, tablet, etc. There are some things that you have to get on Amazon. I do purchase thing on there and I'm not really feeling sad for the people in this video. I think it's just us being upset because it is happening to white people... can you even imagine how much crazier everyone would be going if white people had to work in a Chinese factory?

It's a terrible job... the people are doing a job that is better suited for robots and that's the bottom line. We need robots to do this stuff asap. Until then, maybe we can write a letter to Amazon to tell them to cut them some slack and we will pay an extra 5% or something... But still, I'm sure this is a much better job than working in a Chinese factory. 

My first thought was 'crazy socialist British media, at it again'.
My second thought was shit I shouldn't say that.
My third though was that those first two are funny.


Its a job guys, if it requires walking and carrying stuff, and you don't like it. Quit. It's that simple. Remember that the idea of a job is to earn a form of currency you use to survive, you normally do this by doing stuff people willingly don't volunteer to perform. You are not supposed to enjoy most jobs.

It seems like they were struggling to make a story by making it sound worse than it is.

I don't see how it could cause physical illness when in fact it's the opposite. Then again, the majority of people in England would wait longer for a bus than to walk a short distance. The only mental illness I could see it causing is depression due to how menial it is and nobody should have to do a job like it when we can automate it. Maybe 11 hours of no human contact could cause something in some people or maybe even the pressure of having a timer but I don't know.

In the end, they're making it sound much worse than it is and I'm sure the job is described before hand.