AMA - kewldude007

Do you know about / have retirement plans? (401k, Roth, realities, bonds etc)

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I’ve been continuously contributing to a retirement account since I started working in 2014.

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Good man, just wanted to make sure you were set up for success.

What job would you rather have than the one you currently have

I’d rather go back to being a machinist than being a laborer doing what task I am sent to. And thats very close to happening, but I want to get into industrial automation as mentioned previously over machining.


If you could pitch a new segment for the Level1Tech youtube channel what would it be?

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If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I’ll be honest that I dont watch L1 at all since tech doesnt interest me at the moment, I know penguicon is happening early may and wendell likes to go there and those are never dull videos

I have zero interest in leaving the united states so I would like to spend more time in Texas.

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So besides being mentioned in this thread, I remember you also digging water ditches for deer.
Do you like deers as animals or is it more about having an awesome backyard with game?

I’ll be honest that I dont watch L1 at all since tech doesnt interest me at the moment

Awww cmon man! You are the perfect use case for this! Suggest something non-tech :smiley:

I want deer to be better deer, shooting them is a bonus but not my main concern


I want to be realistic with the suggestion though, wendell did that 3d printing video where he fixed his filament which I liked a lot but 3d printing videos are never interesting outside of niche things like filament rescue, especially print timelapses

On other channels like LTT there are periodic studio tours and I know wendells office is ancient and being repaired or revamped often, that would be interesting. need me a boiler maintenance vlog

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Cooler shrouds that are literally tubes to direct airflow directly to the heatsinks.