Hey all, I’m working on putting together a build to replace a computer in our barn. It runs a pair of Lely milking robots, and needs a serial port to interface with a DRM dongle (yes really) I am hoping to go for a ryzen APU.
Also interested in suggestions for a case that has really good dust filters. Or I might build a wooden box for the computer, and put a furnace filter on it. Working conditions shown in my post history if you’re interested.
A lot of ASRock mainboards (for example: B450M Pro4) have a port labeled “COM 1”
Then it is just a mater of screwing in a slot cover like this:
and pluggin the cable to the board.
RS-232 will never die…
Edit: The ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming4 also has a Thunderbolt AIC connector along side the COM, just in case someone needs both from a 16c/32t system running PCIe Gen4 devices…