Ok so I have a asus 7970 already and I just need everything else. I am trying to stay around the 350 mark for the rest of the system. Playing around myself I have gotten pretty close, but not quite there. I am ok with some compromises like 4gb of ram, as I can upgrade that in the near future, and the same goes for a cpu heat sync. Hopefully someone can get as close as possible to $350. Cheers!
I mad some tweaks to thecaveman's build to get a bit closer to $350 (I know this isn't your GPU but I wanted to get an idea of the power requirements).
The CPU might cause some bottlenecking, but I think it's something you can get away with:
The other change I made was going to a single 8GB stick so you will have the ability to upgrade in the future.
Can't really lower the price that much :|
I would prefer the FX-6300 over the 4300 and X4 760k, though.
+1 especialy with a 7970.
4gb ddr3 1600
source 210
xfx powersupply
cheap sea-gate hdd
2nd option for hdd is refurbed wd
btw: sould come out at 340 or 345!