Am i the only one that likes Ryans humour?

Always enjoyed Logcabin looms.

And have to agree, .32 Winchester Special is best for self sufficiency for many of the reasons given (BP and cast lead compatibility) but the scarcity of the brass is a consideration.

Ryan’s sense of humor is not far off from my own. As Stalin was once reported as saying: dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it.


I love Ryan’s Humor. And That’s it.

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when wendell breaks out laughing during the news and covers his face its always because of something ryan said.


I think you are far off the mark with this. I respect your opinion but whole heartedly disagree.

Ryan’s realistic, sceptical, opinions are kind of how I look at the world. For instance. ‘If you’re not paying for a product, you are the product’ Facebook in a nutshell for me, along with pretty much any company offering any kind of rewards scheme.

His dry brand of humour and candid pointing out of the painfully obvious is for me very amusing.


All three of them are OK :slight_smile:

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And yes, dark, dry… excellent. You know its going to be good when Krista is addressed by name :smiley:


I don’t like the spread of pure cynicism it makes people bitter and hateful and distrusting. I’ve had to fight to explain things that aren’t evil but misunderstood.

Example I’m one of the few who are not put off by deepin Linux as deepin is Chinese based (sadly out of Wuhan) . Purely off Chinese fear with nothing being a issue with the distro at all and no more spying then if you use Google anything.

Ryan spreads the mind set that the world is evil and nothing you do can help fix it. He shuts down Wendel when he has any idealism of a good world.

The world is not all evil and not all good.

Ryan is not all bad he’s really smart and we’ll informed but gives up at the notion of betterment. I stopped my patreon and sub many moons ago due to the news being the only thing the channel has done for a long time with a few sprinkles of reviews.

The video with Ryan on his own was good the comedy was dry that’s my opinion

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You can either take it for what it is (or what i believe it is) : dry humor


You can read into it that this is his serious world view.

Some people just don’t get this type of humor/sarcasm I suspect. I don’t see his view as seriously as negative as it is, he’s merely stating things from some hyperbolic american patriot perspective.

I see the sarcasm as being subtle, but definitely there. If you think Ryan is as blind patriot as the words he states (when taken out of context: absent tone, etc.) would indicate rather than taken into context with tone, and that he seems fairly well educated, then i think you’re mis-reading him personally.

As a native brit living in australia and growing up with british humor, i guess I’m tuned to pick up this sort of thing from birth. It’s far more common in british comedy, etc.

I don’t think it (this type of subtle, dry humor) is quite as common in the USA and a lot of people don’t pick it up for what it is. Or maybe don’t separate the humor from actual opinion as accurately because there’s less frequent exposure to it.


I think he adds some spice and country comfort with his voice.
He has pretty strong views which probably work or don’t work with some people but if they don’t like it they don’t have to watch the stuff he’s in.


Sarah’s backdoor is always open.

IRT OP Q, no (double negative?)- so meaning, yes I like his humor. And I like how consistent he is.

This is what I do. some times I still watch l1ts but I avoid most videos with Ryan. I’m here for wendel’s rants and projects


I appreciate the humor… even when it’s not meant to be humor, but just sad realities.

The world isn’t evil, but, there are evil people in it and they are surrounded by stupid, easily manipulated people.


I appreciate Ryan’s humor, as I tend to be ‘that asshole’ in the room telling off color jokes. However the last few months I get some weird political signaling in his comments. Fine if you are basing the joke on fact or pushing back but its the slight lean into proven false news is a problem for me.

I’m joining the forum today cause I’ve been a watcher since before the beginning of L1T. Still love Krista and Wendell. Ryan can go any time.


What exactly did he joke about that is based on the proven false news? Please link to that video(s).

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Or is this a lean in-of-itself? I think you have thick lenses on. I’m human so I have lenses too, my lenses have seen his humor as poking at any example of hypocrisy or corruption. Heck short of looking deep into this I’d say he is more of a Michael Malice than anything else, and I like this. Michael is of neither dominant tribe, he trolls all the “sides”. I think there are times Ryan doesn’t even fully believe in a comment of his, its a jab much like a boxer doesn’t believe his little jab won’t end the fight in a KO, but its part of a bigger game.

Maybe its the veteran in me but I like some salty sarcasm from time to time. Would I want to work with him? Probably not. Is it too salty sometimes? Sure. But it beats a lot of other tech channels I follow that dare not have any salt, or wear a tribe’s oath on their sleeve.


I always viewed Ryan’s wry wit as sending up all sides, and appreciate his stoic sarcasm.


Ryan is the funniest guy on the news for me. But again, maybe that’s a reflection on me as a person.


You just know the lolz are coming when he says “KRISTA!”