Am I in trouble?

So, I have a Radeon HD 6850, and it has been idling at about 69 to 75 degrees Celsius, and while playing Dragon Age Origin for the first time and my card stayed above 90 degrees the entire time. It reached as high as 99 degrees and that was while I was still in Character Customization. Should I be worried? I have never payed much attention to my card temps before, and I have only started to recently, bacause my PC shut off a few days back while playing Payday 2 with a friend, and it did it again while playing Empire Total War 2 days ago.

Perhaps you might need to reapply the thermal paste to the graphics card. 

Maybe a fan is not performing at the correct speed.

Buy some canned air and de dust the card as well as what theonewhoisdrunk recommended. I will bet its a faulty fan + dust. If that doesnt work go re paste it. I clean my card often its easier to clean if you clean it regularly rather than having 2 + years of congealed dust and having to do a full disassemble to get it clean. Dust can slow your fan down below operational rpm and cause it to not spin fastest enough or completely burn out all together. Moving forward clean your pc every 3 months Max!

Thank you!

i re edited it you may want to read it again :)

Thanks, I am definitely going to try that.

best to use non conductive paste if you are a novice .... better safe than sorry

make sure to have good thru case air flow also