Alternate View on NSA/Snowden shit

Now I know I am just a dump aussie but is it possible we are looking at the NSA/Snowden thing the wrong way?

to Quote Alan Moore, "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."

So therefor if it possible that the Governments the world over are the ones wearing the tin foil hat so to speak?

Everyone has their opinions and they shall just speak it out if they can.

I am tired of Snowden; you can think what you want. I personally think it is somehow involved in the Obama administration as a way to make people "forget" about Bengazi, and that he's losing popularity, and just kind of scoot the interest elsewhere. Should you care that I think this? Nope, just my personal thoughts.


the kind of information that snowden released is something most people already knew in the back of their minds. 


either way this is a good opportunity to lobby for more privacy, so just roll with it