Alright guys, I need some help

I have $1200 canadian dollars to upgrade my pc. I have decided to upgrade my gpu and either buy a 27" 1440p monitor or 2 more asus ve228h's giving me 3 monitors for gaming. I will be gaming, buying almost any game that I can get my hands on. Now here is the question. WIth my 700w psu. What gpu should I upgrade to? a 7970ghz? 780? or should I wait for the next gen cards? I appreciate multiple opinions!


wait for the new ati next gen cards should arrive around the end time of this year or the early beginning of next year.

If you decide to get that 1440p monitor, the 780 is a great single card solution. I would also recommend dual 7950s. Most good 7950s will overclock within the performance margins of the 7970.

If you have a gaming rig at this current time, you should have no problem waiting for the new AMD cards. I cannot promise that they will be better than anything on offer, but they will roll out another "never settle" games bundle, and it will offer a greater selection of GPUs. Worth waiting, in my opinion.

lol  When will they roll out another never settle games bundle? and for the next generation or the current generation cards from amd?