Almost done with my build

About finishing up my build. I'm not so sure about the monitor, I kind of just picked one. What do you guys think as a whole?

Well I changed it up some, went with a 144hz monitor that is cheaper. added more personal items like mouse/keyboard. I am really interested in knowing what you guys think about my picks.

Are you dead set on that GPU? if not, i would say that for the price, you would get better performance with a GTX 780ti

Yeah the 290X is a bit expensive at the moment.

For just gaming you could go with the 4670k. It will be about the same or a Xeon 1230 V3 if you aren't planning on OCing. That is a 4770 without the iGPU and much cheaper than the 4770k. 

You could prob find cheaper RAM. 1333MHz or 2400Mhz you won't see any difference in game. Also you could get by with 8GB if you are just gaming. 

250GB seems a bit large for the SSD. I mean the OS and a few programs go on there. 120Gb should be fine but thats up to you. Same with the standard HDD. 2TB seems a but excessive. It will prob fail before you get close to filling it. The 1TB WD Caviar Blue drives are cheaper and a bit more reliable. 

The GPU as mentioned above. If you're gaming at 1080p a 770, 780, R9 280X or R9 290 would be fine and much cheaper. 

650 or even 600W would be fine if you aren't gonna go SLI/Crossfire. That is an incredible expensive PSU as well. The Corsair RM650 is cheaper and quieter. 

Do you really need an optical drive? Just install the OS on a USB stick and save the $20 but that is your call.

$380 for a 1080p monitor? No lol. Sorry. You don't need 144Hz. Most people can't tell the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz so 144Hz is excessive and incredibly expensive. At that price I'd grab a Korean 1440p monitor. 

I am not 100% dead set on this card. But I am dead set on a Radeon. Is there a better option that will give me better performance without moving to a Geforce?

I have had my current pc for about 10 years. I went with the 4770k to play with some light overclocking, and hopefully do me very well for a very long time. Same with the ram, 16gbs and a little faster so i wont have to upgrade anytime soon.

I currently only have a 250gb ssd, and I fill it up all the time. Though it is mostly media that will stay with this pc that I will be hooking up to my tv. The hdd I picked was 1tb, with my shows and movies not being stored on this pc, even that might be to much.

I wasn't sure about the power supply. I would like to keep the option  of crossfire open for the future.

Also the monitor, I have no idea what I am looking for. I am spending all this money on a pc, I want it to look really nice. What are some better options?


Unless you really need a 290x for some specific applications, it doesn't make any sense right now to go AMD. I like AMD cards too but for the price of a 290x, you could get a 780ti and the 780ti is going to give you the best performance. The 780ti will give you lower temperatures and higher overclocks so I'd have a hard time finding a reason to get a 290x right now.


If you want faster memory, you should also keep an eye on CAS latency. You should probably look for RAM with a CAS latency of 9 if you want 1866mhz memory.

I am kind of interested in more games that will be running with mantel. But I see what you guys are saying. Would this be a much better option?

Thanks for the info, I forgot to look at that. I made the change.

there aren't that many games that run on mantle plus steamOS is on linux and i think games will choose linux instead of manlte. (mantle isn't on linux). manlte came on bf4 but really late and it should be on thief but it isn't available now. but if you think manlte i worth it for that price. 550$ normal price, 700$ now.

Yeah, that's a great alternative.