I have a very very weird problem with my Beyerdynamic Qpad Qh1339 headset. Its almost ghostly...
Windows 7?
Which system do you have?
Windows 7 has a common issues with memory leaking audiodg.exe this is causing similar issues as you describe.
Especialy systems with a realtek lan chip, seem to suffer from this. its called DPC latency. I have a similar issue, with my FX8350 and Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 mobo, and try to solve this for allmost 2 years with no luck. I did a latency test, with playing audio in winamp and monitored it with a program called latencymon, i had allot of spikes in the reds, and then latency mon, gave me an error caused by the lan chip most likely, because wenn i disable the lan chip, i did not had any lag spikes anymore.
So i assume you have a similar problem.
Windows 8,1
Currently trying to solve the problem over at http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/252946-all-sound-stops-websites-crashes-when-i-take-my-headset-off-super-weird-problem/
You have your headset connected to the onboard soundcard of your Asus crosshair V Formula Z mobo?
Edit: i saw on LTT, that you have reinstalled windows, and it seem to work now?
I linked an article about DPC latency on your LTT thread by the way. lol ☺
Yes and yes :p
Fingers crossed i hope that solved your issue.
Mines is not solved lol. But i know my problem is related to Windows 7 mainaly.