AKG K7XX vs K702

I entered the drop for the AKG K7XX's over on Massdrop and I was wondering which is better, K702 or K7XX. More specifically which in general would be better for positional audio in games. 

They both use the exact same driver and enclosure, the k7xx is just the massdrop "special edition".  so they will sound identical.

Uh, no. They won't sound identical. The K7xx sounds smoother and more akin to something like the HD600. Meanwhile the K702 sounds rather thin in comparison. I am not saying that the difference is one end of the spectrum to the other, but for both being AKG, they have different sound signatures overall.

Didn't they boost up the bass a little in the K7XX a bit? I vaguely remember Massdrop listing something about that the first time they offered the headphones, but I can't find anything about it right now.

Yeah, it is closer in sound signature to something like the Annie editions and the Q701 than to the K701 or K702. That is to say a fuller sound and more bass. They supposedly osund a lot more laid back than the average AKG headphone, but you have to keep in mind the context. The K701 (the quintessential AKG headphone) is not laid back AT ALL. Very treble happy, very thin sounding, very detail oriented, not laid back whatsoever. So yeah. I've heard them compared to the HD600, so that is a thing. I haven't really read up on them too much though. I don't think that there are many reviews out on them at the moment, but I could be wrong. Linus did a video about them though.