AKG K553 Pro Studio Headphone - Closed Open Back? | Tek Syndicate


We check out the new AKG K553 Pro headphones. They claim to have the sound of an open back set of headphones while remaining closed. Check out the video.

Check price: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/akg-k553-pro-studio-headphone

Note that these are exclusively on Massdrop for the time being.


  • Manufactured by AKG

  • Over-ear, closed-back construction

  • Leatherette earpads with slow foam retention

  • Individually tested and numbered

  • Fixed 9.8 ft (3 m) straight cable with 1/8 in (3.5 mm) jack

  • Frequency response: 12 to 28,000 Hz

  • Sensitivity: 114 dB/V

  • Maximum input power: 200 mW

  • Rated impedance: 32 Ohms

  • 10.75 oz (w/o cable)

Let us know what you think of the video.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://teksyndicate.com/videos/akg-k553-pro-studio-headphone-closed-open-back

Nice to see AKG made something to compete a bit more with the ATH M50xs.

We need more videos with editing like this.

Did i see a beats by jerry in the vid


I can't wait for Logan's review. lol

+1 about the editing

Does anyone know how they stack up against the V-Moda Crossfade M-100?

Agreed, I liked this style of headphone review.

If anybody doesn't check out Massdrop these headphones are going for $140 there.

EDIT: It's US only due to distributor contracts and whatnot.

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Please Logan get the beats by Jerry review out ;_; I needs it

Whoa Logan is out of town... Whuuuut lols..

Yes, you did see them Beats by Jerry!!!

+1, kudos, big up and all that for Albert! :D

I wish Logan would give Albert more stuff to review.

I laughed way too hard at the music listening.

I have to point out that the audio levels on this and a few other recent videos have been way too low. With the volume all the way up I can barely make out what people are saying. The intro and outro music is at a good volume, but the meat of the video is too quiet. Usually I don't need my volume all they way up for youtube videos. Yes I can crank my levels past 100%, but then I have to bring it back down for anything else. It's a workaround. I don't know if you guys are just not listening to the audio at all before uploading, or maybe your fancy expensive headphones and amps have far more dynamic range than most listening environments, but please take into consideration the volume when you edit videos. It's really disappointing because I'm certain you know better. If it helps, try listening on the monitor's speakers and see how it sounds compared to other videos. Maybe throw in some compression. Sorry for the rant.

I am going to make this offer one last time.

I am willing to offer up my pair of Soundmagic HP100 as a loaner set for review by Logan et al. You guys pay for shipping both ways, and do a review on them, and I will let you borrow them for a while. These are what I believe to be one of the best headphones under $200 and a great all-arounder which can do pretty much everything well. Hit me up with a pm if you guys are interested.

This was a great video! Loved the depiction of the different music genres!

I have never used a legit pair of headphones (only crap earbuds. although my OLD Sony with warparound ear-pieces were legit). Very much considering the Beyerdynamic DT-990s, and they have been on sale for $180 for the 250ohm version. i am wondering how The AKG K553 compare to them, price-to-performance wise.....

Hahaha, "Reggie music..." and starts blowing clouds lol. I wonder how the soundstage is compared to the AudioTechnica ATH-A900X, love those headphones but they're a little light on bass.

MOAR Albert Reviews!!!!!

Great review. Loved the editing.