So in my limited space of a dorm, I have my half of the room arranged so my bed is by the door and my rig is by the window. However my roommate got an ac, because my computer is heating up the room. During the winter we just left the windows open. Anyways I am worried about condensation as my computer is a few feet from the AC. I am not trying to really cool the computer but the room so we don't freaking die of heat stroke. When the ac isnt on the room will reach 100 degree f when my computer is running. My computer doesnt have any cooling issues, it is about 30 idle and 40 on load (Celsius). Anyways I have read numerous places that condensation is a problem, however other places that it is 99% not a problem. I need some insight, thanks. I also would like to note that ASUS apparently refuses to replace a damaged motherboard, due to oxidation that may have been cause by an AC producing condensation. I bought a nearly identical board from ASUS and plan on not having the same thing occur. I want to be able to get the motherboard replaced and it not have its warranty voided. As I have spent 500 dollars between both of the boards. Man oh man, if this is a bad idea I am not sure what to do, because I have a similar setup at my home and don't want any issues to arise. During the summer my home bedroom will reach the same temperatures and I find myself sweating quite profusely. When I have my computer running at night, I can barely get to sleep for how hot it is, and I wear nothing but boxers/briefs and a single sheet.
I am thinking a AC acts as two things which most people freak out about. The condensation aspect. For the the humidity in the air is actually put outside, so I dont see how condensation is a problem. A AC acts as a dehumidifier and also cools the air. I just dont know. The way I have more room, my bed, couch, desk, tv, etc all make it virtually impossible to have my computer elsewhere. Would having a dehumidifier work as a double layer of humidity protection?
I don't think you need a Dehumidifier and an AC running in the same room unless there is running water lol. If the AC is properly installed, all moisture in the air is removed (lower the humidity in the room which is half the reason summer feels so damn hot) and dumps the moisture outside AKA the water drips that come off an AC unit. However, the AC does pull moisture towards it and out, and if your PC is in front of it, it will pull moisture into your PC, which is bad. Make sure your rig is not directly in front of the AC and it should be fine.
I place silica gel packets inside the case and around intake on my NAS. I haven't looked at absorption rates or any papers at all for silica gel, just figured it was better to try and use them instead of throwing them out. additionally my file storage computer is located in the basement, out of the light, in a home with central air, in a northern latitude where there are 3 non-winter months. so it's not like I would ever notice them aiding anything in regards to absorption of water in the air..
anyways, can't hurt to try even if it proves to be ineffective. I do get the impression that it would be like throwing a dish sponge at the ocean by the way you describe the environment your PC is in.
I ran my PC next to an AC for a couple of years with no condensation. My PC loved that AC. The electric bill on the other hand...
Thanks for the prompt replies. A lot of threads say it is a bad idea, and others say it wont hurt. Thanks again and I will just keep it running with a two foot margin between the two units.